How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
How does that incentivizes workforce participation? You’re giving them money to not work, I think graduated taxes should just not have the NIT portion.
Life is all about probabilities, you can do everything right and still lose (however doing everything"right" is nigh impossible). You lose if they have a better candidate, you lose if their department is suddenly not in need of the position, etc.
With that mentality, I don’t bother with CVs, and just use the time saved to apply to more jobs or maybe some kind of relevant project.
Let it be known that heat death is not the last event in the universe
I loved The Onion’s parody of TED Talks where an Idea guy is giving a presentation
deleted by creator
At least SK got rich before it got old
So we should give Winnie hostage money then?
And also fucked up the sex ratio at the same time. Part of the reason why CCP wants to go to war, since single young unemployed guys are more likely to be agitators.
If 2 is not being fulfilled, it should really be a fire decision
But it is partially their fault: they have the largest political clout by generation so welfare and zoning policies have always suited them at the behest of everyone else.
And even if people don’t have kids, the rich aren’t going to be impacted. They just use immigration as a stop gap until everything is automated away and we see wealth imbalance get taken to 11. I’m talking gated communities everywhere with poverty in-between (e.g South Africa)
Camacho was smarter than some candidates today as they are willing to let the SMEs handle shit
Quantavious? Seriously, some parents should lose their rights to name their kids
If by assimilating them, you mean castrating the men and raping their women, sure
I still have nightmares dealing with a11y requirements
I mean, at this point, they don’t really have any self determination, so it doesn’t change anything.
In the end, all this conflict is going to end up with Israel taking even more land away from the Gaza strip regardless of how many Palestinians are further slummed into the south, and the 24/7 news cycle will make a transient hub-bub about it, and then the new borders will become the status quo.
Most news sites nowadays are absolute cancer on mobile with 20% of screen being the actual content. Is pay of the reason why nobody actually reads articles and go straight to the comments