He did an episode on dropouts game changer and crushed it. He always does
He did an episode on dropouts game changer and crushed it. He always does
BuildJet is a YCombinator backed startup with a ton of attention, and a million extra to burn on top of what investors have already given them. They would have to royally fuck this up at this point, most people would be so lucky to have the opportunity they have here.
In his article Jeff said:
They add a copper plating, and give it a polished gunmetal grey finish.
Apparently to do all that, they had to order a batch of 5,000 cases, which I hope means they also have a ton of these ready to go.
Yea I also just use LunaSea, especially when I’m not at a keyboard. I imagine the TUI will be pretty handy when I find myself well… at a terminal.
Thanks for clarifying, I misunderstood what they meant.
Did you find something specifically that stated that children weren’t included in the data? I did not find anything like that in the sources.
The link to the source from “Our world in data” mentions how children are included in their research, and they have a link to the UN migration spreadsheet that includes children of all ages: https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/content/international-migrant-stock.
The man who originally invented this tech is a really good guy, can’t recommend it enough!
I’ve been doing this for the last 5 years using dynv6. Feel free to reach out if you need any help making it happen.
I’m in no way affiliated with zen browser, but if you’re looking for a privacy / Firefox (Gecko) based browser with a nice aesthetic check it out.
Eventually, we might get there, sure. But I don’t see any reason to believe this is it, and I use AI to assist in my programming every day.
If you instead said, some engineers will be replaced by AI. I’d definitely agree, and without a doubt they’ll try, repeatedly.
You could say this exact same thing about any invention.
“But why would anyone want to speak into a wire? There’s literally no point.”
“Are you seriously going to wrap your food in plastic? There’s literally no point.”
“Who will want to type on a phone without any buttons? There’s literally no point.”
“Nobody is going to want to eat meat grown in a lab. There’s literally no point.”
Not everything needs to be built with a use in mind, and even if it has a small user base at first, needs change over time. For all we know this is visionary and ahead of its time, but we don’t know it yet.
If post views are public that’s a fairly poor implementation on the developers part. I’m sure it will change over time.
E.g. someone using your account to view illegal content in a community you are not a member of, and you being held accountable.
In the context of the sentence I’m guessing it was a typo for MAU, monthly active users.