I miss the FacePunch forums.
I miss the FacePunch forums.
A PWA running in a browser engine that they can’t control can have access to features that they can’t vet and restrict. If PWAs aren’t restricted to 50MB of storage and have near feature-parity with native apps then they’ll eventually lose the ability to enforce their revenue cut on In-App Purchases.
Not sure how it works on android, but on iOS I’m pretty sure this means that mobile game devs will start shipping games as WebGL/WASM with asset streaming and implement their own payment channels for micro-transactions.
Apple can’t risk it and I believe they will fight it tooth and nail to the bitter end.
The right person to follow during a zombie apocalypse.
And they can just hike their prices like everyone else is doing. So why invest time and resources into lowering them back down if it doesn’t affect them?
China is mostly self-sufficient, most of the world is not.
Seems like they’re siding with the lesser evil.
That has been their modus operandi for a long time though, and they usually get away with it.
Equating antisemitism (race) with anti-zionism (ideology) is their favourite strategy.
I read the title as “western gay squirrels” and got super confused.
Asked if they feel part of the country, 70% of Arab citizens polled said “yes”, up from 48% in June, the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) said, describing it as the highest finding for the sector since it began such surveys 20 years ago.
I wonder what happened to change their minds (or what happened to the missing 38%)
Police have carried out arrests among Arab citizens accused of social media posts inciting pro-Palestinian violence, and on Thursday arrested five leaders of the Arab community who had planned to organise an anti-war protest.
Seems legit.
That’s the thing though, most people don’t fall in the same demographic as you.
Even negative attention is attention. If it bothers you then you’re thinking about it. If an advert bothered you enough to complain about it online or to someone irl then even though you’re not a customer, you’re a vector of transmission increasing their organic reach.
It’s an abhorrent concept.
I guess sanctions only make sense when Israel is out of the picture.
What about MMORPGs? Where do they fit in this classification? I’m genuinely curious.
Also can we get Nuka-Cola Quantum please?
How am I just hearing about this now?
I never use the same exact password twice, but let’s say there’s a pattern involved. The only way someone could figure out my passwords is if they compromise my account on multiple websites, get the passwords in clear text, and figure out the overarching pattern.
I really really hope my credentials aren’t compromised now.
Edit: I recommend logging out on the website if you’re logged in, just in case they messed with the JavaScript files to harvest login tokens/cookies/etc.
Literally bought it five days ago and I’m having a blast!
The pain is real. Now I wanna design/implement a programming language in the Egyptian dialect (j/k. fuck no)