This is the only thing I leaned in high school chemistry.
My teacher was also the football coach, though.
This is the only thing I leaned in high school chemistry.
My teacher was also the football coach, though.
I knew that shit was up to no good. I never install anything like that. I assumed it would be sniping on me, I’m sure it does that too.
It’s pretty clear to me that a woman can’t win. As a woman myself it makes me angry, but there is just too much misogyny out there and I think n a less qualified man cough Joe Biden cough an beat Trump where a more qualified women like Hilary can’t.
(I’m not saying Hilary or Kamala is my choiceor that I like them, only that they were better candidates than Biden)
Trickle down economy is a thing….but only in costs, not in profits.
I don’t personally care. Burials and other ceremonies are for the living. I’d prefer something that doesn’t harm our environment and to donate as many organs as possible, but that’s pretty much it.
I like what you said about being a tree. I may steal that.
I don’t have kids. I plan to leave my assets to a charity. Probably something for animals but I haven’t really planned that far ahead yet.
Don’t you love scrolling right when the page loads and you click an ad instead?
It’s a feature, not a bug! Haha!
I haven’t set up this yet, but I use AdGuard on my phone and yes, it does leave blank space. Sometimes I don’t realized there was more text to read because it’s empty.
It’s not about the adblocker though. It’s on the quality of the developer. A good developer tells the browser to leave space for ads before it loads them. It makes the page load faster and also prevents the page jumping around as each item loads.
Ironically, a bad developer that doesn’t do that, probably has better website layouts for people who use adblockers. 🙃
Mine isn’t as nice as yours is, but I sure got lucky with the timing!
Is it a young Cooper’s Hawk? I’m in KC and we have tons. Your picture is great! Here’s mine:
It is a large Division 1 university. I don’t know exactly how big the incinerator is. Thankfully I wasn’t the one who handled that particular task.
I assume it comes down to our hazmat clearances, though. Just a guess. That was almost 20 years ago!
Yup. And not just those voters. It’s an issue in most groups.
There are even plenty of women that won’t vote for a woman.
Would liberals support him? Sure.
Would liberals support her? No.
I have direct experience with this.
In college, I got a job on campus in their Environment, Health, and Safety department. Mostly, I just calibrated fume hoods in labs.
During my time there, a hippo at a nearby zoo passed away. I don’t want to be too specific because it can be a bit icky, but they essentially shipped it to us for incineration.
Oh yeah. It will be bad for everyone, but I meant for liberal candidates in the future.
I should have been more specific.
If the next term doesn’t actively harm people in the public eye, I guarantee they will make it next to impossible to ever win again.
I’m worried about this too. It wouldn’t be surprising if Trump dies in the next four years. Vance is not qualified for the job. He’s smarter than Trump though so scheming would be much worse.
He controls one. Hand picked asshats on the bench, and his supporters won Congress. It’s really hard to see a world where this doesn’t get drastically worse for liberals.
That’s interesting! I love that in transitioned into something tangible. I tried to get some house plants but I keep forgetting to water them.
I got a switch from a friend awhile ago and didn’t use it much but recently I put 100+ hours in Stardew Valley on that thing.
I play all types of games from racing to shooters, sims to casual. Lately I’m especially drawn to games like Stardew because I hate dealing with boys/men online. No pressure, no hate. Maybe I’m just getting old.
Missouri does the same. I haven’t been able to see Emergency Alerts since quitting Twitter