Similar to the nail polish suggestion, they also make clear spray paint.
Similar to the nail polish suggestion, they also make clear spray paint.
After 30+ years, I finally bought myself a nice pair of left handed scissors.
If I’m being honest, I’m so used to right handed ones, that the lefty ones feel wrong anyway.
Back when automated toll booths had baskets to throw coins in, I could easily pay tolls at around 45 mph.
EZ pass eventually became a thing, probably saved me from my own young stupidity.
Yes. This.
This video is absolutely worth the time it takes to watch it.
I have vitaligo. I’m just one person, but I wouldn’t care. Though, perhaps I’m not the best person to ask. Sometimes I forget about it until someone else makes an awkward comment. Personally, I think it’s kinda cool.
You are right, doing something and teaching something are different. If you watched the video, you would also know you were wrong.
Make friends with the guy. He’s got some some stories. True or not, he’s got some stories.
The only reason it is expanding is to keep up with inflation.
It sounds like you’re looking for slaves. There’s a reason slavery is illegal.
If this isn’t deliberately rage bait, there is something very wrong with you.
Having once upon a time overfilled my oil by almost a quart, I think you are mostly right.
Engine oil should stay in the crankcase. During normal operation, some of it is pumped elsewhere to lubricate the crankshaft, cams, and other mechanical components. The rest of the oil sloshes and splashes around the crankcase keeping everything slippery. If there is too much excess in the crankcase, components moving can push the oil somewhere it shouldn’t be.
In my case, when turning left, the excess oil was pushed passed the piston rings and burned in a huge cloud of blue smoke. It wasn’t a proud moment, but stopping in a random service station and having Bruce try to drain a quart of oil out of the engine, because I couldn’t afford a full oil change was awkward.
… Anyway: all of that to say this:
If you have too little, your oil pressure light will probably come on. If you have too much, you’ll notice it somewhere else.
What about phrasing it so the effort isn’t on you, but them?
“I’ve never really felt comfortable around [describe group]”. This way, the failure isn’t yours to get comfortable, but on them to mwake you comfortable.
Wow. Just wow.
Yeah, I wish I knew this about a year ago. Thanks.
Before I had a kid, I heard this was a thing, but didn’t really care as I didn’t really have a desire to be around kids. Once I became a father, I realized a lot of people make strange assumptions about men around small humans. Its certainly not most people, but definitely some, and definitely not just online.
I think you were implying something different, but I feel like I get a ton of odd comments suggesting it’s weird for me to be out with my own kid. Things like “giving mom the day off?” or “what happened to his mom?”.
I had friends complain about this kind of thing before I had kids and I thought that they were exaggerating. Nope, it’s all over the place. It’s certainly not everyone, but it is much more common than I expected.
Find a hobby that would use the product type in question. Find a community for said hobby then look for discussions comparing the options that are out there.
This tends to work better for certain things more than others. I doubt many hobby groups get excited about dishwashers or clothing dryers. I’m these cases, the Buy it For Life communities tend to have decent comparisons.
Also, doesn’t the jetbrains license let you continue to use the version that was the latest as of when your license ended. It’s a small difference, but also kinda huge.
My personal experience: Trying to find a restaurant that has vegan friendly options isn’t always easy, and used to be much harder. That would make trying to find somewhere to eat as a group much more tedious if someone was vegan. I don’t think anyone had issue with the person being a vegan, I think they just didn’t like eating at the same two restaurants over and over.
I put my key in there.
This is long but worth the watch. It is a lawyer and a police officer giving specific details on why you should never talk to the police.