The chlorophyll I get is mostly wheatgrass juice. It’s really good at eliminating fish, onion, or garlic breath/burps. Basically anything sulphur-y. It’s nasty as hell, tastes like dirt, but one small shot gets rid of whatever is bugging me and I think it’s totally worth it.
No idea if it has “health benefits” besides y’know…consuming greens.
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I did too at first, you’re not alone.
Hello traumatic memory I had been successfully repressing.
I go to a monthly meeting for a society I’m in and it’s like this. We eat, drink, and watch a presentation. It’s cool, I like them.
Yeah … I’m sorry. It doesn’t get any easier. Over time you get beaten down and don’t have the luxury of putting energy into being angry about it. Like, your rage is on a low simmer on the back burner.
Men are blissfully unaware of what pain they cause and what privilege they enjoy and anytime you try to bring up women’s issues they scream “not all men”. Because yes it isn’t all men but we’re not talking about those men in the first place.
Talking about it here is likely to gain negative attention so I understand you’re venting but they’re not going to listen. It’s not impacting anyone. And it’s dangerous because while Lemmy is safer than reddit, you could still piss off the wrong person who might go after you. I’m sorry. There’s very little justice.
I hear and acknowledge your pain.
This sounded like an ominous privacy warning lol!
Everything changed. You’re not crazy. If you watch movies made before the 2000s about office culture, including the movie 9 to 5, you can see that the hours included a lunch break. Which was paid.
Yes, those of the older generation had it easier in every way.
They mean your post is poorly written and hard to parse.
I don’t recall as it was mentioned by someone in passing (and stuck with me) but I can tell you that the rocks they were in are exceptionally iron rich, which is why the mine was there.
This is interesting and important but fun fact, maybe not the first case of 2 billion+ yr old microbes. There were microbial organisms found in a mine in Minnesota coming from 2.6 billion year old rock and they suspected they were coming from water trapped when the rock, banded iron formation, formed in an ancient ocean. IIRC there were two bacteria - one that eats sulfur and excretes iron, and one that eats iron and excretes sulfur.
Soudan Mine in northern Minnesota. Great tour.
Yes. Wigs are sweltering hot, sweaty, and itchy. I’ve only worn synthetic though. I’ve heard human hair wigs are better but not by much.
You can get used to it or suffer through based on how sensitive you are.
Depending on the balding pattern she may tolerate toppers and other hair pieces rather than a full wig, which may be more comfortable.
I just was rejected from 5 jobs in a row. I straight up asked how I could have been a more competitive candidate. I got some specific feedback about software I didn’t know (fair), an answer on a questionnaire that was milquetoast (also fair), but mostly kind things said. They’re not going to drag you but it can be a productive conversation.
It was gross back then too. In the 90s the Coasties would trawl the junior high girls. 25 year old men “dating” 13 year olds. We all knew it was gross as fuck and not okay but small town cops didn’t give a fuck. Hell there was a deputy “dating” a 16 year old too.
It wasn’t looked at differently in the 90s.
A guy in my class knocked up a 14 year old during senior year and we basically all stopped talking to him because fucking ew, dude.
Jesus fucking christ is it just open season on women all the time there?!
I wonder if micro dosing can give the same effects? I am a control freak and don’t like to be high but worry about cognitive decline. Especially since I got long covid and fucked up my olfactory system. Brain damage sucks.
Thanks for the info. I’ve had my credit frozen at the 3 since the Equifax leak and now I gotta add this bullshit. Ugh.
Lol good catch. It was totally on purpose and not swipe being swipe. Yep.