Probably to continue getting ‘Gulf Region’-rich off the back of the oil it found in an area that is internationally recognised as their territory.
Even Venezuela recognised it as part of Guyana’s EEZ until very recently.
After Maduro mismanaged one of the most resource rich countries into basically a failed state, he’s now trying to cling to power the tried and true way: stoking a pointless war with its neighbour.
Best case he’s trying to rally support for a 2025 election, or use the threat of as an excuse to say the election. Worst case he’s gonna do a Putin and actually start a war. Not a bad time for it either, whilst the world is already distracted with Ukraine and and Gaza.
Here’s a decent video summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ7fTSirNDs
Remember these are people who know what it’s like to go through apartheid and ethnic cleansing.
South Africa today is largely governed by the people who fought and won against apartheid, so it’s understandable that they feel a level of solidarity with the people of Palestine.
(in this context I’m choosing to gloss over the real and present issues with the ANC, because they are not relevant to Israel’s genocide)