If I have a particular stinky few days, I will soap the heck out of my pits in the shower, then let it sit there while I do the rest of my body. That works for me (:
If I have a particular stinky few days, I will soap the heck out of my pits in the shower, then let it sit there while I do the rest of my body. That works for me (:
No, it’s not clickbait, sorry :/ I just paid $800 for a mole removal ontop of my $150 monthly bill and premiums. Emergency care is scary expensive, and for the love of God don’t use an ambulance.
That was an appalling wrong turn at the end there.
Wait I thought the chemical imbalance was why Robin Williams let go…
I thought we shifted away from fullscreen!
Super tired and defeated from your daily grind
The article itself was a bunch of AI generated jargon. Nothing actually useful.
Mexican restaurants are so good godayum, there can never be enough!
Agreed lol. People are backing down and here, and don’t. YOU are responsible for being a moral person, you aren’t off the hook just because “my boss told me to!”. I’ve worked in an industry where my boss wanted me to cut safety corners and falsify data. I never did. I knew the repercussions that could happen.
I don’t work for renting companies because of this reason! I’ve thought about applying, I have the experience and skills. But I know how they operate. I lived in a building where every good landlord I had as a renter was fired by the property owners for trying to operate efficiently and legally. One woman even knew it was coming, and helped everyone get lawyers for the illegal stuff the property owners were doing.
Louder for those lying to themselves. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING A MORAL PERSON. You don’t get to back out just because your boss told you to do something.
Generally virtual meetings in companies like these are being recorded anyway, so there was likely a prompt before joining that everyone got.
They’re a multicultural group lol, huge diversity. Nobody ever said all men bad, it just happened to be the way the voters swayed.
Uhh they already fired the bus driver. Step one is done. No need to go all doom and gloom.
Ngl the call of the void has tempted me with this one
THANK YOU. This is the kind of outrage this deserves. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
The Supreme Court keeps going outside of their jurisdiction. Something needs to be done about them immediately. They are ruining what little democracy we have.
All the women I know get ingrown hairs lol