No busy roads, no flights with very few onboard, no views from balconies or other such places like large hotel windows. Cook everything yourself and you’ll be alright!
No busy roads, no flights with very few onboard, no views from balconies or other such places like large hotel windows. Cook everything yourself and you’ll be alright!
You mean like “falling into a single rusty nail is the leading caused of tetanus of the eye? But only a leading cause of loosing an eye?” Scientists, though, have proven that falling right on a rusty nail pointing perfectly upwards with its pointy side straight into the eye is 100% effective at inducing eye removal surgery.
I saw this exact thing getting off the highway by the first gas station near a pizza place today in Everett.
I used to have a power shot and it was awesome. I did take quite a few travel photos. But then I upgraded to a Canon DSLR. The lipo batteries are just so convenient to use. I never regretted it.
The devil is red but the silicone skin is still a little translucent. I’m sure that big book he talks about selling probably has some more details.
Some NDP? Yeah Noise Dampening Paper is the way to go.
Could be green. I’ll ask Pete when he comes out of hiding from under the bed. I assume Prez Trump will be pardoning Pete. When he does pardon Pete, he’s going to everyone’s darling. I can’t talk for all Americans, but definitely, all #1’s will love Trump personally. With enough love, anything is possible. I mean lube. 1 in, 1 out, 1 in again, that little hook at the top of the 1 really does beg for lube…anyway what was the question? I hope I answered correctly.
The first back pack is white. The second one is very dark white almost black. The first jacket has white buttons, the second jacket has dark white buttons almost black. The first jacket has buttons, the second one looks like a special kind of button where the buttons on one side intermesh with the buttons on the otherwise in a zigzag pattern… I bet those have a name like zigzaper or zigper, who knows.
You know the feeling when you work your ass off every day and you barely make any money out of that but then some asshole in a hat makes millions a day and denies your dad’s insurance so then your dad dies in a hospice care that was so dirty he got mersa after having successful heart surgery? You know that feeling? I do. I’d wear the tip of his dick in resin to a healthcare meeting if I had the chance. And I’d drive the car I downloaded.
No! But we could slice the CEO into small pieces… Accidentally… And accidentally drop the pieces in resin and sell them on eBay? Then when you go in for a healthcare review, you come in wearing the pendant… “Oh this? Its the tip of his penis! I paid $300 for it, it was cheap!”
Yeah we should all probably delete all footage from all security cameras just in case.
I’m gonna be leaving a glass of warm milk and cookies outside my door in case he needs some dinner. Its accidental! Not aiding or helping in anyway. If he doesn’t drink it I’ll have it in the morning when I remember about it.
Sounds like an impossible dream although I do know at least 3 trans people.
I hope they don’t start rounding up all of us gay people…oh wait. Hold on! Wait a minute!
C’mon! Round us up! Yeah! Round all of us up! All of us together in the same sexy room!
So I guess this is how you too can earn bone spurs! Just become a woman and that’s that. Does it work both ways? 🧐 Asking for a friend. So if I’m a woman biologically, and I get a surgery to reverse my hoo-haa into a dingdong, then will they kick me out of the military? How about at Wall Mart? Can I be allowed to work at Walmart and be allowed to exist? Like am I worth the air I breathe? Good thing I’m just a closeted gay person who is also bi.
It took me a while to learn that:
Reverse proxy= your page lives in your basement but only your DNS knows. From outside everyone goes to “my page is”
VPN= LAN but in WAN…go to Starfucks and you can still get your files from your basement’s NAS
I’m sure they got other meanings, but this frame helped me a bit. Hide your IP!
I second this. I didn’t understand that until…you know, like you install the latest python or something and then your website is proof! Gone. Dockerization gives it a little bit of stability.
That’s what happens when you suck balls at being a programming language. But sure go ahead and program your whatever device in Java or JavaScript. I’m sure it will help something.
Bit its deprecated now because Google pissed off the only developer. I mean forget photos, I need a whole phone file system backup tool that is self hosted. I don’t want any of my stuff to end up in Google servers. I take lots of research notes and photos. WTF. That shit should be illegal.