Do you have a resource I can take a look at for what this implies at what it accomplishes?
Do you have a resource I can take a look at for what this implies at what it accomplishes?
I’ve used it here and there when there is no other option, still no problems yet for the OS itself, but I have run into issues installing certain things, most likely due to my lack of knowledge.
I think I may be giving arch another shot soon as my needs have changed and it was so godamn close to everything I needed.
I just copped a thinkcentre tiny, and planning to do a trash guides setup on it.
Gonna copy/paste my other comment because it applies here too, especially the thank you part.
Thanks for the reply. This much I understand, I guess a better way to ask would be, what are the differences in “advertised”(for lack of a better word) server hardware that more effectively accomplish the task of serving?
If I were to build a server at home for media hosting, what are the areas I should focus on? I guess a good example is error correcting memory (hopefully I’m remembering that right)
Is that something that’s just going to have slightly better performance or is that crucial? And are there other examples of hardware that I should be focusing on?
Thanks for the reply. This much I understand, I guess a better way to ask would be, what are the differences in “advertised”(for lack of a better word) server hardware that more effectively accomplish the task of serving?
If I were to build a server at home for media hosting, what are the areas I should focus on? I guess a good example is error correcting memory (hopefully I’m remembering that right)
Is that something that’s just going to have slightly better performance or is that crucial? And are there other examples of hardware that I should be focusing on?
Ayyyyy that’s my wallpaper for the day
There’s a really important distinction that I’d like to make here.
They want him to be king so he will tell us what to do, and if that includes them, so be it. But it’s more of them causing harm to us, that’s the value they see in it.
Halo and bumper jumper was the shit. A welcome break from the normal layout.
That was close! Those measles vaccines almost hurt someone!
I just tried some pez the other day that someone gave me for Christmas, the “grape” flavor tastes like sunscreen.
They’re only divided by a small strait, why can’t we just stop all of the comical geopolitical attention grabs and just watch the US and Russia kiss?
Gee golly mister, I don’t know where they came from or why they’re here, but I sure am glad they are
Time has shown that these motherfuckers don’t even care if “the right people get hurt”
As long as there is hurt, and their preferred propaganda machine tells them, they’re happy.
This is the most succinct you’re ever going to get
How come when I read this, I pictured a sardine “ackshually-ing” me?
Are eggs even fucking real at this point?
Anyone know why that is?
My assumption is acid eating away some component of the skin
You’re not going to win this argument, sugar intake is inwardly destructive, while alcohol is inward and outward. The victims of alcohol are not just the people that consume it, whether it be from drinking and driving, spousal abuse, watching someone you love deteriorating their brain and liver, etc.
This is not apples to apples at all.