Yes it’s true, the fascists did not mind taking American money. Surprising!
Yes it’s true, the fascists did not mind taking American money. Surprising!
I think you can do push-to-talk/drop-in at least via tts using BroswerMods on home assistant, that would be one option.
Navidrome and Gonic are very active projects yes. Why would it not be a thing anymore? Works fantastic.
I mean Alabama alone has around 700 murders a year.
Yes my answer is for use with Let’s Encrypt.
Fair, I don’t know why I read OPs post as asking for let’s encrypt certs. Internal CA is indeed an option.
They do not. See my other reply about DNS verification.
OP is asking for cases where you don’t want to allow the service (or reverse proxy) to be accessible via the web.
You can use the DNS verification method. Either using nsupdate with bind or what ever protocol your DNS provider and favorite ACME (certbot, acme, lego, etc) utility supports. As long as your DNS server is publically reachable that will work, even if the subdomain itself doesn’t exist publically.
Look into Snapcast
Right now the law is set to expire in January 2025, but I would be surprised if it wasn’t renewed, it’s a pretty popular measure. Though I guess it doesn’t apply if you’re in the middl of butt fuck nowhere.
Get lost troll, shooo return to the cavern from which you came.
Aaaaand there it is. I knew it would come out.
Beloved Trudeau? You’ve got to be kidding. His dad imprisoned my father for being a union board member. Get fucked.
Brain dead name calling? You’re the one who assumed I love Trudeau somehow. And used that as an ad-hominem. The point I’m making is that you were totally off base with your initial comment. No, you cannot easily emigrate to Canada at retirement. And no, it isn’t “easy” even when you are younger. Unsurprisingly, yeah those “millions” of Indians, probably do have a IQ and education level higher than yours.
It’s painful to interact with idiots, trolls, and bad faith actors.
But you still can’t purchase property without a PR or citizenship (as of January 2023).
I definitely am, you just need to work on your reading comprehension.
Are these Indians of retirement age? Above 30? Actually permanent residents and not only on a work visa? Have a look at the points grid for yourself:
“The brain bin” must have been the bargain bin…
Flip side is you pay on all capital gains, while Canada doesn’t charge on primary residence sales for example. And it makes investing far more complicated if it isn’t in an RRSP (401k equivalent). TFSA’s for example (the other retirement plan type) isn’t included so if you have investments in a TFSA you’re going to pay, including a base fee of ~700$ a year per investment accounts. Also your accountant is likely to cost you at least twice as much since you need to file twice (if not more cause CPAs that are certified in both countries aren’t exactly commonplace).
Allowed to reside alongside…