I see a surprising number of women standing on a boat holding a fish in their Tinder profiles.
I see a surprising number of women standing on a boat holding a fish in their Tinder profiles.
I like the flavor and texture of an unpeeled carrot.
Many seed boxes allow you to install Jellyfin and the Arr stack on the seedbox itself. Some even make installation a one click operation.
Leon is great. I try to remember to use it anytime I share a link. As a result, I have found that that some links are just the base url plus a UUID (e.g. mycoolshoppingsite.com/GAJEBKT
), so you can’t strip out the tracking without breaking the link entirely.
Thanks. I’ll check that one out.
I don’t want to skip ads. I want to avoid them altogether. They’re intrusive. Especially after listening to the same podcast for a decade, only to suddenly find ads for car companies, and other things irrelevant to me, rudely shoved I to the middle of an otherwise serene experience.
I stopped listening to podcasts once it became impossible to avoid injected ads. I’ll find time to read.
Twitter has always been a toxic shit hole IMO.
I don’t even boil it. Just put it in a frying pan with some butter, put a lid on it, and cook it at a low temp for 20 minutes.
I “discovered” caffeine the summer between 7th and 8th grade. Vanilla lattes changed everything. In high school they sold us sodas and snacks between classes. By 9th grade, I couldn’t stay awake through 2nd period (geometry) without drinking a 20 oz. Mt. Dew before class. When I realized what was happening I stopped drinking Mt. Dew. It was a rough couple of weeks. It was my first experience with drug dependence. Informed my approach to drugs for the rest of my life. I got lucky, I suppose.
George Monbiot is a fantastic writer.
This hits too close to home.
It’s the “see no evil” approach. If you didn’t report the issue while the admin was online, then they aren’t compelled to do anything about it. Convenient for the project maintainer who doesn’t actually like maintaining things. Awful for the rest of us.
A bunch of the servers I’m on actively discourage the use of threads. No idea why. In a different server I’m on, an admin creates a thread for every post in general, so that people can talk about the post without cluttering up the main thread. I wish more servers followed that example.
That’s a good way to do it, whenever possible. Unfortunately most of the results on Amazon these days are from companies with word salad names, like ENGRTSIAL or LOFRABTAN.
From one divorced dad to another… just keep doing what you know is right. Your kids will see it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
Yeah, totally. That’s why I said it was surprising.