The video game that taught me how good video games could be. I still replay it every few years.
The video game that taught me how good video games could be. I still replay it every few years.
This is not the case, but I do still disagree with the “trust me bro” approach to a feature rollout that does send data your somewhere, encrypted or not.
Edit: For those interested, the reason it’s not the same as a backdoor is that the result of the computation done on HE data is itself still encrypted and readable only by the original owner. So you can effectively offload the work of a certain analysis to a server that you don’t actually trust with your keys.
Homomorphic encryption, which allows for analyzing secret data without a decryption step, is actually incredibly cool. It’s a shame the conversation will begin with the fact that they deployed the feature as on by default.
I’m really sensitive to light when I sleep. I’ve got blackout curtains, no annoying little lights on any devices, the usual. One of the advantages is that by having a smart light bulb set to gradually turn on alongside my alarm, it really wakes me the hell up. Maybe try incorporating a light to yours?
deleted by creator
Me too! I am not a professional but audio support is such a point of friction for me that I’d love to see how others handle it when it’s critical to their work.
Very impressive!
This change would also be bad for anything that scans for keywords, which includes most applicant tracking software.
Can we talk about how utterly absurd it is that there isn’t an obvious answer to this question yet? Feels like we’ve gone backwards from the AIM Direct Connect of old.
Rust: “Oh honey you aren’t ready to compile that yet”
“That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!”
I always thought it was weird to model a game avatar after myself. I always roll the “random character” button (shout-out Monster Factory) when it’s available, keeps things simple.
Trine 2! It’s a side-scrolling action/puzzle platformer, and a rare game actually made for 3.
With respect to data, there does seem to be a damning amount of it in the CFPB dataset they analyzed for the article. The fact that approvals were this disproportionate even when accounting for “income, debt-to-income ratio, property value, downpayment percentage, and neighborhood characteristics” is alarming. Specifically with respect to income, approval for lowest-quartile whites exceeded that of highest quartile blacks. Yes, credit score was not available in the dataset, but we know it doesn’t fully explain the gap because of its frequency as a cited reason for denial, and reliance on credit doesn’t really do much to dig NFCU out of this hole IMO.
I’m tempted to agree with the authors assessment that the use of automated tools by the underwriters is a likely contributor. Use a tool trained on historically racist data and practices, and that’s what you’ll get more of.
As someone returning to make simple web UIs after a long stint in backend, and not wanting to learn a heavy JS framework, this is massively useful. CSS has gotten a lot of new tricks since I last checked!
Throughout the trial, the Grenons represented themselves but did not speak in their defense, seemingly as a form of protest. They had court-appointed defense attorneys who stood by during the trial, but the Grenons did not allow them to speak for them.
In July, it took a Miami jury just 30 minutes to return the guilty verdicts for the four men, according to the Miami Herald.
The Herald reported that the men broke their silence during sentencing last week to plead for mercy and protest their prison terms.
Didn’t work out like ya hoped, huh?
So, only about a decade until reaching feature parity with something like lazygit?
The K5 has been in some sticky situations in other cities. One was toppled and slathered in barbecue sauce in San Francisco…
I don’t know why but this is just a hilarious failure state for a giant robot.
git revert HEAD
git reset —hard
git checkout main —force
Right now, a lot of MUNYA