The reverse would be ((-))
The reverse would be ((-))
I consulted the Book of Memes, and I think you’re right but I’m no lawyer.
Owning the EU libs, as Hungary do.
This is default in SteamOS.
“Captain Solo. Do you copy?” “Commander Skywalker. This is Rogue 2.”
So, Han is a Captain and Luke is a Commander in ESB. Tho, I don’t know why Han gets a promotion to General when he’s just been frozen in carbonite between films.
Didn’t wanna spend 5 hours at the char creation screen so I just clicked “randomise”.
Ain’t Tim Cook gay?
If it’s an actual official web standard, they might have to.
While I have issues with the rules of “the game”, the current rules are better than the changes that Google are proposing, but since they are infinitely more powerful than me, I can only hope whatever body (W3C?) does not make it an official standard. As long as it’s just an extra thing that Chrome/Chromium does, there’s still hope for Google to get into legal trouble.
That’s why they want to make it a web standard, so they can just blame Firefox and others for not following the standard and avoid EU fines.
That’s what Microsoft did with their office document standard.
Yeah, but I figured “all caps” was just a misnomer. “Capital” usually refers to something being the biggest or most important in a group of things.
I thought “capital” as in uppercase letters only would refer to an uppercase letter at the start of a word.
Ugh, that’s sooo annoying! I hope the content improves soon. If we work hard at it we can finally make it close to 100% beans by October.
Ryzen released in 2017, so definitely not decades.
Green eye gang reporting in