I used to work next to a huge arena. Every time there was a sold-out show, the cell service would be rough the whole time from people sending videos and such. When the shows let out it would be a complete meltdown while people tried to get Ubers.
I used to work next to a huge arena. Every time there was a sold-out show, the cell service would be rough the whole time from people sending videos and such. When the shows let out it would be a complete meltdown while people tried to get Ubers.
What a dire situation.
What does DNA feel like? Smell like?
Also pandas and matplotlib but maybe that’s just me.
-Data Nerd
Yeah but fuck all that python is good enough for most beginners. Variables, scope, loops, functions, operators… Once you get some of the principles down switching to C++ or similar isn’t nearly as bad.
Being a person that tried to learn C/C# from scratch in my early days python was a good gateway language.
Mines all guns and motorcycles lol.
I love that realization when I throw some hacky shit together and it somehow works first try.
When I try to be organized and meticulous nothing works and I eventually give up.
Also, I left that screen up and my kid hit ok, how is that legally enforceable? I didn’t agree to anything.
Forkyz ❤️
You guys are only using 8 joins?
Unrelated but alt+e+s+v is so ingrained into my muscle memory. I should really get a macro pad
Very cool post, thanks for sharing
Yeah unprofessional/bad practice, I would flip off the notifs and just decline behind the scenes.
Have you ever talked to her about it? Are you a supervisor or any sort even if she’s not a direct report?
This is minor, but if it bothers you and distracts you from your work I’d say address it as feedback - “Hey, I’m usually pretty busy when you come in. You seemed upset that I don’t get a chance to stop and properly greet you, but I’m focused on work at that time, let’s catch up on a break/lunch”
I used to let so many of these little things go because it wasn’t worth it but little things add up and can make the workplace miserable. I’ve found people are pretty understanding and I started being more assertive about distractions and my work life has improved a lot. I’m ADHD and getting derailed kills my productivity. People eating at their desks, approaching me the moment they need something, asking questions when the answers are available on SharePoint, etc.
Yeah loss of human life and serious injuries are heartbreaking, but to me it’s equally as saddening to see animals get caught up in human bullshit. Donkey was just doing his job pulling a cart. Animals are so defenseless.
When there’s multiple people involved with hiring this happens all the time. When you get 100/1000s of applications many get stuck in some in-between status like contacting/shortlist when they should be denied. If you’re used to ERP/CRM where there’s no way to abandon a ticket unless you mark it resolved, LinkedIn and indeed feel pretty loose by comparison and it’s easy to miss things like that.
Fucking brutal way to go, rest in peace.
Uh oh
Avoid retail because those jobs will be brutal and pay less. Check indeed for warehousing, the good jobs will be small businesses and 3PL as they both typically operate during normal business hours. Apply even if you don’t have experience, it’s not complicated work so… I can only speak for myself but I mostly look for aptitude, effort, and attention to detail.
We currently have 2 full-time jobs open and our 3PL is an hour away in the suburbs and they’re also struggling to find people, full time M-F. Obvious positions like receiving and pick/pack, forklift drivers, and also kitting/assembly, special projects like labelling, etc. It can be mind numbing work at times but if you stay open to trying new things you’ll end up doing something different every day and moving between departments. If you’re reliable and put in effort it’s easy to move into a supervisory role and salary can be anywhere from $50-$80k+ but 60k is typical.
I did all these things and I’m an operations manager now and make very good money. People see warehousing as a dead end job but honestly it opens a lot of doors into operations jobs.
Thanks I always forget about these!