lol yeah, at this point I try games and if it doesn’t click with me immediately I just go to the next
haha too many games to play, I just started playing it on the Deck and runs well :)
Are you disputing the factual basis of the article or just attacking the source?
While the vid is talking about disk space, I find that the games are also getting way too big in terms of length with most of the game just being filler. This is especially true for open world games where there’s very little actual content to be had. Most of the game ends up being repetitive fetch quests, or grinding for levels with a handful of hours of actual story sandwiched in here and there. Once in a while you see a game that can genuinely justify its length, Last of Us series is a good example of this, but more often than not games feel long for the sake of being long. Another aspect I’ve come to resent is how games have to pile on different mechanics like crafting because it’s just what’s expected. A lot of the time it doesn’t really add anything and just forces you to do more scavenging quests.
Nowadays, I pretty much exclusively play indie games precisely because they tend to be shorter and more focused. Sometimes less really is more. Viewfinder is the latest game I’ve played. It’s like 6-8 hours in length, and it’s just perfect.
thanks, I hate it 😄
We will continue to post and upvote Chinese state media, if this offends you then feel free to crawl back to reddit where you belong.
Unless you live in a handful of countries that have their own independent media, you’re still consuming western sludge which is shaping your view of the world.
Ah yes, IMF and Financial Times, two organizations notoriously famous for spreading Russian propaganda. The levels of delusion within the Western world are reaching new heights as mainstream media begins to acknowledge the truth behind the situation at hand. It’s truly a comical spectacle, with laughter being the only appropriate response. 😂
Should check the date on that link of yours. These were copium projections that everybody now admits were way off base.
We are absolutely living through the biggest geopolitical realignment since WW2.
You gotta love how every single communism trope actually becomes realized under capitalism sooner or later. Turns out it’s the capitalists who want to take away all your personal property and turn everything into a rental. You don’t own your media, your books, or your computer. Everything, is an internet connected subscription nowadays. As soon as you stop paying, or the company decides to cut service you’re shit out of luck.
I’m sure Europeans are absolutely thrilled to be paying a huge markup on the oil they used to get directly from Russia.
It’s not, but it doesn’t discriminate against socialist states which is a huge step forward.
I really think we’re entering an inflection point where there is sufficient critical mass that makes it possible for countries to band together and resist the empire. And the war in Ukraine has been the catalyst for this. The west ended up being sucked into a conflict on a scale it simply wasn’t prepared for. A huge chunk of the existing western military assets ended up being committed to Ukraine which necessarily weakened western grip on the west of the world. Meanwhile, the economic war on Russia resulted in the creation of a whole new economy that’s operating outside western control. BRICS is now a bigger economic bloc than the entire G7, and this trend will only accelerate now.
oh bread lines are very much a thing in US
Same here, I tend to go for indie games just cause I know I have a good chance of actually finishing them. I really love games like Portal and Viewfinder. Portal Revolution was pretty amazing incidentally.