General nerd, programmer and sci-fi reader and writer. Neurodivergent, ADHD.


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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • More interesting is the origins of that phrase to designate prostitution.

    Fortunately, I found an article in, that shows the first documented time of this phrase. The person who coined the phrase was none other than Ruyard Kipling (“The Jungle Book”):

    Lalun is a member of the most ancient profession in the world. Lilith was her very-great-grandmamma, and that was before the days of Eve as every one knows. In the West, people say rude things about Lalun’s profession, and write lectures about it, and distribute the lectures to young persons in order that Morality may be preserved. In the East where the profession is hereditary, descending from mother to daughter, nobody writes lectures or takes any notice, and that is a distinct proof of the inability of the East to manage its own affairs.

    - On the City Wall, in In Black and White (Allahabad: A. H. Wheeler & Co., 1889), page 78

    If you want to know about actual prostitution, we should go far back to ancient Mesopotamian texts.

    According to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” (the most ancient epic in the world), the gods created a savage man, Enkidu, who lived in harmony with the animals in the woods. Gilgamesh wants to tame Enkidu, and is told to bring a “harimtu” (a “sacred prostitute”) to him.

    and he [Enkidu] possessed her ripeness. She was not bashful as she welcomed his ardor. She laid aside her cloth and he rested upon her. She treated him, the savage, to a woman’s task, as his love was drawn unto her.”

    Later, as he regrets joining civilization, Enkidu curses the harimtu:

    “I will curse you with a great curse… you shall not build a house for your debauch you shall not enter the tavern of girls…. May waste places be your couch, May the shadow of the town-wall be your stand May thorn and bramble skin your feet May drunkard and toper (ed note: someone who drinks alcohol to excess) alike slap your cheek.”

    Researcher Gerda Lerner, in her article “The Origin of Prostitution in Ancient Mesoportamia” (Signs, 1986, pp. 245-6), says:

    The nature of this curse tells us that the harimtu who mated with Enkidu lived an easier and better life than the harlot who has her stand at the town wall and is abused by her drunken customers.

    This would confirm the distinction we made earlier between the women engaged in various forms of sacral sexual service and commercial prostitutes. Such a distinction was more likely to have existed in the earlier period than later.”

    So yes, there were prostitutes in ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization.

    EDIT: typo

  • OF COURSE IT’S DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. That’s my fucking point.

    My issue is with ignorant people who judge everyone based on oversimplified premises.

    Sugary snacks mess up your metabolysm. You stop burning fat. Your blood sugar gets imbalanced, you get highs and lows. And when you hit the lows, you feel exhausted and super hungry. And you have no idea what’s messing you up because no matter how much you eat, you still get hungry, so you eat much more than what you ought to because your metabolism is fucked up and your brain gets the wrong signals. You try to cut your fat, but that gets you even more hungry, so you eat more carbs (even diet carbs like oatmeals and such) which then mess your blood sugar even more.

    Even if you do exercise, you still end up getting fatter. Drinking diet soda doesn’t fix it and gets you even hungrier.

    And while you’re doing the impossible to cut as much fat as you can, you still get fatter, your mood gets explosive, you can’t sleep well, and then people are telling you to eat less and that you’re not putting enough effort. Meanwhile your stomach is in unbearable pain because your hunger is out of control.

    Also, you know what messes up hunger? Depression. There’s just so many factors to take into account.

    Anyway, you know how I finally broke that vicious circle (after I got my mental health under control)? I cut my carbs. I quit all sugary snacks (even the small ones). I quit all sodas and concentrated fruit juices. Started to consume more animal fat, against the “common knowledge”. Whenever I got hungry, I didn’t eat a snack. I just ate normally. Ham, a hotdog, milk, or even an egg. It wasn’t easy and I woke up at 4AM in the morning all hungry. It was hell for two weeks. But after those two weeks I got better and my system got the balance it needed.

    Boom. Lost 5 lbs in one month. I stopped getting tired. I was more energetic. I got better at the job.

    But it took me years, literally years to find out it was the damn snacks (which were small enough to appear harmless) and the sodas with HFCS that were the ones at fault.

    All these years of failed trial and error just to find out fats were not the enemy. But suuure, it was me eating two burgers instead of one.

    I was NOT eating like a fucking pig. I was NOT supersizing my meals. But sure, armchair dietitians on reddit know what’s best for me, right?

    It’s ignorant people giving unscientific advice who make life a living hell for the rest of us.

    “Cut the fats”. Yeah, right.

  • You realize how hard it is to not gain weight in today’s society? Unless you get a good dietitian, it’s hard AF not to get fatter everyday, especially when the media brainwashes everyone into thinking it’s fats and not sugars where the problem lies. And don’t get me started into how HFCS is added to practically EVERYTHING, or how the food pyramid itself is BS and not recommended by health professionals nowadays.

    It takes a Tibetan monk with steel willforce and a team of doctors not to consume soda or the occasional snack, and to buy the appropriate food consumption choices to avoid adding to your body weight.

    And I’m not even counting heart conditions, workplace limitations, life obligations, the increasing unavailability of healthy foods for the working class, the asinine healthcare design, the toxic conditions of tap water (cough Flint water crisis cough), the pretty much nonexistent health programs in schools, and the utterly lethal suburban design which forces people to spend at least an hour a day behind the wheel to do their daily tasks, and, you know, fucking poverty fucking everywhere.

    Personal responsibility is just victim blaming by any other name. Prople who are eager to dismiss obesity as a willforce problem seriously need to touch some grass.

  • The new document repeats that condition and elaborates on it, reaffirming that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman. And it stresses that blessings in question must not be tied to any specific Catholic celebration or religious service and should not be conferred at the same time as a civil union ceremony. Moreover, the blessings cannot use set rituals or even involve the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding.

    The Church is doomed to become obsolete. Until they accept that gay people have the right to marry (and they won’t), people will move away from the Church.

    The times are changing, and the Church will sooner or later fall into irrelevancy. Besides, it’s not like their God is doing anything helpful at all in these times of crisis, is he?