I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this exact thought. 😕
Are you an economist or business professor IRL? Because that was an amazing answer!
His videos are so well researched and shot, if he’s doing it all himself he’s doing well to put out as much as he does
Why would they release it for free if it still had value to you?
Nobody said it disintegrates skin
Only if your drain is made of human skin.
So it costs you more when it costs more to produce, but when it’s free to produce it still costs you money.
Love corporations
Raw chicken
Racists are racist
Damn, that last line. The PTSD is palpable.
Sure buddy, force people to do what you want, see how quickly you get fired.
Yeah I know. It still annoys me though, I don’t want this place to turn into Reddit.
I understand your frustration, I’m an introvert and I work in education which is about 75% women, so I have run across groups like what you describe.
The easiest fix is to find a better work place, but in the meantime the only thing I’ve found that works is to become boring to them; listen politely but give short, non-committal answers. Shrug and say “I don’t know” as much as you can. Don’t say anything that they can use to ask a follow up question. If you get a hardcore talker, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
Your entire post is a series of straw man arguments that are completely fabricated.
This whole thing gonna take the U outta the USA
It was good knowing ya, murrica
OP proposed many ways to let his co-workers know he doesn’t like chatting and none of them are what you quoted. In fact, he expressly created this thread to figure out how not to be rude to them
People are allowed to keep to themselves. Why does it bother you so much? Why are you so personally offended by this? I’ve never understood why extroverts feel as if the world owes them attention.
The commenter I replied to wants to force OP to interact above and beyond what he wants to.
That’s how 5 year olds navigate life. Adults understand that everyone is allowed to make their own choices.
“Epic tootage”
I think that was a Miles Davis album