Our current government is all too happy to build weapons with borrowed money. What taxation does is it causes deflation, and a wealth tax has the benefit of deflating the power of the ultra-wealthy.
Neurodivergent Dad. Accepting info dumps on all channels.
Our current government is all too happy to build weapons with borrowed money. What taxation does is it causes deflation, and a wealth tax has the benefit of deflating the power of the ultra-wealthy.
People are right to point out that he should not simply cut a check to the government, instead he should lobby for higher wealth taxes like he lobbies for patents or voucher schools. Anything less is just free PR.
Exec laughs in accountability and fires people
The problem with eating the rich is all the crazy drugs they take makes their meat rancid. Zuck however is probably the tastiest due to is wagyu diet and exercise routine.
Don’t bring a gun to a tank fight. Don’t even need to shoot back, just roll over them if they don’t get out of the way.
The difference here is the Palestinians don’t have passports, they can’t return. Even our war plans with Canada don’t include genocide, this plan does (because there is no opportunity to return).
Just Google it my dude:
The Israeli Intelligence ministry, in a ‘concept paper,’ proposes transferring Gaza civilians to Egypt https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-population-transfer-hamas-egypt-palestinians-refugees-5f99378c0af6aca183a90c631fa4da5a
Yeah, it reads like “our mistake is that there is always room for improvement”
Since when does professionalism include lying about the person’s performance metrics as the reason for the layoff? She professionally asked for receipts, they had none. These people seems to think gaslighting is part of being professional.
Having contempt for voters is like blaming the weather when it rains. Maybe the candidate should have came prepared with an umbrella, but here we are.
In most cases I agree, with the exception of security clearances. That’s a give and take.
Oh, they’re probably okay with certain drugs, but slurring speech indicates he’s taking the wrong kind.
True. I guess I’m hoping his recent fuck up with keeping the COVID vaccine from being more widely distributed might galvanize the youths. That and the Epstein flight logs.
I think Bill Gates might have inoculated the public against such PR.
It’s like when people point to how expensive a state is while denying that it is expensive because so many people want to live there.
It is almost as if the rich were the real burden on the state…
In this case I don’t think it would hurt to have a popular vote decide (the next president)
It also explains why he treats the GOP the way he does, he’s remembering a much older Senate.
For instance, it’s impossible to have an apartheid system against another country. Israel is, by definition, not an apartheid state.
What other country has their roads, electricity, water, trade, and police controlled by another?
Like there are words, and then there are facts on the ground. It walks and quacks like an apartheid.
If dust is the problem then you start at the top and work your way down. Ie Clean ceiling fans, Dust, then wipe surfaces then vacuum.