And then the compiler updates to get better at spotting optimization opportunities and it blows up again
And then the compiler updates to get better at spotting optimization opportunities and it blows up again
How convoluted was it?
Listening to employees when making decisions, what a concept! It’s a shame many places don’t do that.
Do you get two empty spaces next to your tower? For maintenance if the lower elements.
It’s called a tower PC for a reason
True, but we’re not talking about clear and up front rules
I’m not the person you’re replying to, but I am stupid enough to occasionally get close to falling for a scam. Rather than test my luck, I’d rather they didn’t exist.
Pick something and change it when inspiration strikes. Sometimes you need a big picture view of something to get the right abstractions or even just name things.
Indentation implies there’s some control structure causing it. Too many control structures nested gets hard to mentally keep track of. 3 is arbitrary, but in general more indentation => harder to understand, which is bad.
All human strings are finite…
Green threads are functionally the same, especially in languages that can preempt.
You really should be doing your IO async. Do you specifically mean callback hell?
Maybe there’s a signal handler or some other outside force that knows where that variable lives on the stack (maybe through DWARF) and can pause your program to modify it asynchronously. Very niche. More practical is purely to inhibit certain compiler optimizations.
It makes more sense if you think of const
as “read-only”. Volatile just means the compiler can’t make the assumption that the compiler is the only thing that can modify the variable. A const volatile
variable can return different results when read different times.
I believe POSIX mandates grep and a shell that should be able to handle everything this code uses, but sudo is a problem
Can a EULA ban fair use? Google v Oracle might have something to say about this.
Also, a lot of editors won’t unindent on backspace of spaces indentation, so I end up messing up the indentation with a 3/4 indent
Sure, some of them were evil, but I bet most were just stupid and tribal. I’m sure plenty were helpful neighbors, good friends, average parents, a part of some community that now misses them. Many were good people whipped up into stupidity by a team that doesn’t care about them, we should remember their humanity.
My gender is