I have been prepping for this moment for quite a while.
Checks out for sure. Have an upvote.
That my friend is the rare Capsicum annuum uterosi.
Or the super rare development of a uterus and filoppian tubes inside a green peeper.
Do not fuck, I REPEAT, DO NOT FUCK. It can result in conception and gestation of the aromaticus pilas cibum.
I will try my best to resist that sweet pepper uterus 😍😍😍
Good thing I’m still a virgin so I just need to keep on not fuckin
Spooky pepper for the spooky month.
Those are just her ovaries
Instain mother.
How is babby formed?
Never seen that before, would have thought the darkness inside the pepper would prevent this pepperception from happening 😳
i see those mini peppers surprisingly often
Exactly. Is this not a regular occurrence to people?
I don’t keep track, but I’d guess more than 30% of the time.
Anyway, it’s not like this is actually the seeds germinating. It’s something like the baby orange in a navel orange.
I’m tempted to try and plant them lol
Maybe the inner pepper will grow an even more inner pepper, and then you will have infinite peppers
I could solve world hunger!!! Infinite peppers for everyone!!!
Try it. We’ve done it before, and it often yields a bit more than the average we’ve seen. Down in south Texas
Got these once and was excited thinking they’d be sweet like the little babies you find growing within oranges sometimes
imagine my horror
its peppers all the way down.
I was always under the impression that plants had some sort of “no don’t grow yet you idiot” system in place to prevent this.
Maybe the internal ones don’t start growing until after the pepper was harvested?
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It’s not a tumah!
Itt: femme pepper
Inception pepper.