Try That in a Small Town features lyrics threatening violence against protesters and has been removed from Country Music Television, but Aldean says it is a celebration of community

  • Orphie
    2 years ago
    1. Here, have a trophy for winning at internet arguments
    2. With that kind of charisma, you must have a ton of friends
    3. I was born in the suburbs of Chicago and I don’t listen to country (except Neil Diamond, which I argue is partially country even though others disagree)— not that it should even matter. But I say it just to help drive my point home about your stupidity
    4. Check my profile and see how stupid I am, I dare you
    5. If your goal was to look cool to random strangers on the internet, you failed
      • Orphie
        2 years ago
        1. When a person is saying “all people who like country music are inbred”, they are drawing upon the stigmas of the deep south. Duh.
        2. At the risk of sounding kind of lame, the fact is that you don’t know anything about me or my situation. Yeah, there are ways for me to make money. But online freelancing is really competitive, and all local businesses are too stingy to hire a proofreader/editor unless they have journalism experience. How about you go find a way to make $4000 in a single month in a small town in the US when you have cerebral palsy and sensory integration disorder? Go outside, touch some grass, and consider not insulting and alienating every random person you see on the internet.

        Also, good job cherry-picking the most vulnerable thing I said even though it has nothing to do with “whether or not I’m inbred (a.k.a. ‘dumb’)”. Says a lot about what your goals are