• lennybird@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Hey thanks… So finally today I broke down and went to an ER per my nurse wife’s advice. Turns out I was negative on covid. Flu, rsv, etc. (even no evidence of kidney stone but doesn’t mean it didn’t happen per doc). They diagnosed me with pneumonia, pleural effusion, early sepsis and now I’m admitted taking IV antibiotics…whew…

      With some iv fluids and antibiotics and a little bit of ibuprofen I’m feeling far better at the moment but still having insane coughing fits to the point it triggers vomiting.

      Just nuts man… I consider myself to be pretty healthy. I run, do moderate weight training, take my vitamins, consciously try to eat healthy etc. But this can knock you on your ass!

      • Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Sounds like your on the mend and on the road to recovering. Just make sure to do all the follow up appointments and everything and remember no one is going to advocate for your health more than you, so take care of yourself first and foremost and I know it doesn’t help much, but things take time to diagnose and to heal so be patient with your body, things can always get better. At least your not pissing, shitting, and vomiting at all once! ;)

        • lennybird@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Oh yeah it could be much worse. And for sure, I’ll keep up with any of the follow-ups they advise. I’m lucky to have a lot of veteran medical people in my family so they’re keeping a close eye on me. They still haven’t nailed the root cause. I may need a thoracentesis and they’re testing for a fungal infection now.

          • Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Sometimes you just have to keep at it things, keep waiting, keep appointments, yet it can all become tiresome or exhausting. The point is to rule things out and that sadly just takes time. If things persist, a different doctor or a specialist should be able to track things down. It’s all a cat and mouse game sometimes when the diagnosis is not easily identified. Took one of my friends almost a year before they found what was wrong with them. Just be patient, keep at it, and I’m sure things will eventually get better. Good luck!