As resumption of educational debt repayment looms, more than 7 in 10 borrowers say they are taking on extra work, while half say they don't know whether they'll be able to make payments come October.
Collections can’t garnish without your permission. Only the government can force garnishments.
Granted, the lender could sue you for the debt and garnishment could be part of the ruling. But you’ll probably know if you’ve gotten to that point.
For what it’s worth, I never paid off my private loans, and they went to collections, but never garnished me. My federal loans did auto-garnish, though.
No auto-garnishing but it will hit your credit score and eventually go to collections for garnishing.
Collections can’t garnish without your permission. Only the government can force garnishments.
Granted, the lender could sue you for the debt and garnishment could be part of the ruling. But you’ll probably know if you’ve gotten to that point.
For what it’s worth, I never paid off my private loans, and they went to collections, but never garnished me. My federal loans did auto-garnish, though.
I believe this varies by state.