Hi all.

I have been hosting my mail (not “self” like at home, but hosting on a rented server on the 'net) for the last 20 years going the old good way of postfix+dovecot+OpenDKIM/DMARC/SpamAssassin and all the glue and bells.

Having the opportunity to rethink the entire approach (which works fine, but its pretty cumbersome and complex to replicate) i was looking at Stalwart mail server which looks promising and nice, being written in rust following modern principles and such.

Asking to anybody who has been using Stalwart, is it good? Does it deliver being a solid mail server?

Asking to people hosting it’s own mail, is there a better solution out there?

Asking to people commenting against hosting a mail server, please refrain from doing so, as i’have been doing that with success for the past 20 years that’s what i will be keep doing for the foreseeable future as well.

  • kalpol@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Ive been using exim, hardly a change to my config in many years.so there is almost no point in having a webui to config. Works great. Front end with pfsense and pfblocker, add spamassassin, it is very, very, very solid once you get over the initial configuration hump. Migrate by copying the config file to the new server.