Any recommendations for a linux distro that i can set up and be reasonably sure my non techy SO won’t break accidentally? The set up doesn’t have to be easy it just has to not break once I leave her alone with it. My first thought was popOS.
My plan is to have 2 profiles and not give her access to sudo. I just don’t want to have to go into it unless she needs a new program.
Friend, this is from my own system I’m running right now lol.
Oh wild, I thought “No way!”, but apparently yes way as I (Tumbleweed/KDE/Standard User) get all of this which I imagine would be disorienting to non-Linux users. Just going to Wi-Fi & Networking, not attempting to make any changes even.
Don’t have this issue on archlinux. I think there is a group, which if you are part of, you can change networking settings.
[moonpie@cachyos-x8664 ~]$ groups moonpie sys network wheel audio kvm lp storage video users rfkill libvirt docker moonpie