Install Firefox!

    12 days ago

    It keeps amazing me how these Manifest V2 vs. V3 discussions, fail to address the elephant in the room: intercept and modify network requests.

    Do you want your web browser — that you may be using to access your banking account, or your shopping account, or an internet, or any sort of private content you want to keep secure — to allow every extension you install, forever and ever, to “intercept and modify network requests”… even if it initially didn’t, but then over time the developer, or whoever the developer might sell it to (see AdBlock and uBlock), might decide to “intercept and modify network requests”, for any reason they want, without any warning?

    What is so wrong with the browser ASKING THE USER before denying/granting that permission to random extensions?

    And how about having the browser let the user decide whether an extension is allowed to do that, on a per-website basis? I know, you can tell uBlock Origin to ignore a website… and “trust me, bro”? How about the browser enforced that instead?