Broadly decreasing my spending, personally. The less USD trade you do, the less you contribute to the colonial death machine. Trying to cut from megacorps first, and generally reduce all spending from there. The only money I am happy to spend is buying art directly from queer artists. Everything else is on the chopping block.
I’m still happy to give my business to the local brewery that shut down for a day because of extreme cold at the start of the month and still paid its employees for the day. And HEB, because they’re the least bad option for groceries. But otherwise, I’ve drastically curtailed the businesses I frequent – admittedly, partially for lack of income.
Broadly decreasing my spending, personally. The less USD trade you do, the less you contribute to the colonial death machine. Trying to cut from megacorps first, and generally reduce all spending from there. The only money I am happy to spend is buying art directly from queer artists. Everything else is on the chopping block.
I’m still happy to give my business to the local brewery that shut down for a day because of extreme cold at the start of the month and still paid its employees for the day. And HEB, because they’re the least bad option for groceries. But otherwise, I’ve drastically curtailed the businesses I frequent – admittedly, partially for lack of income.