• 12 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2024


  • In small town America, if you’re not on Facebook, you simply don’t exist. Deleting my Facebook account exiled me from town gossip, community events, and even basic recognition. I became a ghost in my own life.

    The context is there and it is true. My village government, the library, the schools don’t post updates to their websites, it’s all facebook. The local booster clubs and social groups are all on facebook. We do push them to post in real outlets too, and one local booster club publishes a Newsletter, but the default is facebook.

  • When you’re watching WWE wrestling and the bad guy in that storyline is the guy who owns the WWE in real life, and that guy is a bad guy in real life, that doesn’t make the story you are watching real. That’s still a “Work of fiction.” Searching the Work for meaning or hints about the real world situation can be fun, but the Work is a performance art piece for television made by the guy who is bad in real life. Personally I think MSNBC is a boring wrestling show, I don’t like their “all promos” style and they use too much pre-recorded footage.

  • It’s because if you don’t “biz as usual” with everyone else in the colonies, they kill you. Every law in the colonies and many norms are enforced by a man with a gun. The laws only apply to people who cannot buy their way out of them and they will kill you if you don’t play their paper money trading game with them and let them win. They’re murderers who have a short-order murder society and they kill people or put them in cages forever when anyone without fiat money doesn’t pretend along.

    They’re the volk.

    *edit And it isn’t “blindness,” their whole society is about this. Half of their television is about their fixation on their “criminal justice” murder-enslavement cult. They think prisons are normal and they send corrections officers to career days for children. Nobody is subtle or hiding what they are about in the colonies. 🤦‍♂️

  • The more I look at the kind of messaging I see on this platform, the more I think maybe it isn’t great. It’s a lot of demotivating, depression-inducing, defeatist gloom and doom and far fewer calls to action than I remember seeing on other platforms in previous conservative administrations.

    You are right that we ought to be posting less gloom. There is a lot of unhelpful rhetoric out there already, I’ve even seen ‘sticking it out til the midterms’ and that’s not the kind of defeatist nonsense people need to hear.

    As a Gloomy Gus myself I could do better about making this a brighter place to inhabit, you gave me something to think about.