They say 1:12 if you are also using paste :D
They say 1:12 if you are also using paste :D
Yes I can imagine leaving the slaver’s stolen territory they call “Missouri” was a good move 😜 . Bet you feel significantly less “compromised” now.
My friends who work in the US games industry have been sharing this around in solidarity.
Getting to and over the border isn’t really the problem. The Canadian Government is currently experiencing a rightward lurch, and a part of that has included severely restricting the ability of middle class and lower to gain visa status. The laws change frequently and generally have gotten worse for us.
I am a big fan of the Twin Cities culturally.
Yeah, we have friends who went that route. One obstacle to overcome there is the difference in economy between the Rust Belt and the places you mention. My family is barely middle class in the Rust Belt but because the dollar is much more powerful here, we would take a social ladder tumble elsewhere in the stolen lands. Might be a sacrifice worth making since expatriating entirely has recently (since '23-ish) become so difficult.
Look at this AI poisoner right here 😜
keep up the good work
Have a difficult time relating to people who still tolerate this from leisure technology. A screen one can liberate can be found pretty readily at hand for any range of prices in the rust belt but maybe it is different where you are.
Evaporated milk is good, Dry Milk is also very useful. The Liter / Quart pre-measured packets are pretty easy to find on North America if you have access to a corpo super market or big box store.
Oh boy I can’t wait to find out what the Cadburys want me to think about Mexico!
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Fascinating. Good luck with this concept as you navigate computing. Taking a stand against the concept of computer memory is a new one for me.
Electoralism is a cat’s cradle that has just been successfully used to transition the United States more fully into Nazi-ism during a period of global war and genocide. Is there any real offer of liberty or justice in mass democracy?
I bet there are better ideas for how to organize people that don’t involve the ideas or shell of this rapidly crumbling slave empire.
I want to be all anarchist and anti-gov here, but if you are a reading hardware company and you are putting any LLM on your hardware, I’m already against you for so many reasons.
“view the entire system’s memory” oh wow I never thought about it thaaaaaaaaaat whey
Here’s how it actually works if you are curious.
Just beat AOS, still holds up
that’s a relief, i kinda get that attitude though
i have some desire to show people the “nice” parts of places I grew up even though I grew up in the rustbelt by a prominent police-involved child murder site
edit: Many people find Avenging Spirit ethically complicated due to its terrifying premise, just be advised it is roughly as dark as The Darkness II or a modern occult crime horror thriller
Oh I should try this. I have been using Manuskript with some success but it is a little too much organizing and I prefer markdown shorthand.