The sign-off to almost every show for Cowboy Bebop is “See you, space cowboy.” They call bounty hunters in the story cowboys. Hell, it’s in the danm name of the show.
In Firefly, however, while it is a western themed space sci-fi, none of the characters are cowboys.
Firefly is the top result when I search “space cowboy show” and I do seem to recall an episode where they transported cattle; but, I have to agree that calling them cowboys is an exaggeration on my part.
The IMDB link is for a movie literally called Space Cowboys. The general point is that the theme is not exclusive to one show.
In the early 20th century, about 50 years before Norway discovered oil, they were already per capita among the richest countries in Europe. This was because of their culture of land and resource sharing.
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Imagine naming yourself SpaceCowboy, but not understanding that Cowboy Bebop is an obvious critique of capitalism.
I’m sure they’re only called space cowboy because gangster of love was taken
Ah yes, Steve “[the left is] as unpleasant as the people on the extreme right” Miller. That clears things up nicely.
Space Cowboys?
Firefly is about space cowboys. Assuming it’s a reference to Cowboy Bebop is a big jump.
The sign-off to almost every show for Cowboy Bebop is “See you, space cowboy.” They call bounty hunters in the story cowboys. Hell, it’s in the danm name of the show.
In Firefly, however, while it is a western themed space sci-fi, none of the characters are cowboys.
Firefly is the top result when I search “space cowboy show” and I do seem to recall an episode where they transported cattle; but, I have to agree that calling them cowboys is an exaggeration on my part.
The IMDB link is for a movie literally called Space Cowboys. The general point is that the theme is not exclusive to one show.
Imagine thinking the term Space Cowboy originated in a cartoon made in 1998.
Here’s a cool song that was apparently inspired by Cowboy Bebop LOL:
OK, boomer.
Oh wow… so you’re like… old old
hmm … know who else has a lot of oil… somewhere verrrry close to you… you might even be standing on it.
wait, are you saying that we should nationalize the US oil industry to achieve socialism?
I agree!
Biggest oil producer in the world, from stolen land, publicly subsidized to generate private profits.
In the early 20th century, about 50 years before Norway discovered oil, they were already per capita among the richest countries in Europe. This was because of their culture of land and resource sharing.
Norway’s oil profit all goes to their sovereign fund and does not enter their national budget.