threats to federal workers across the entire government - ‘you have 10 days to turn in your colleagues or else you’re fired’ - went out January 20th. Remote workers were threatened with firings the day or so after. people currently being hired but not yet finalized were given notice the same week, and people hired but on probationary status (doesn’t mean what youre thinking it’s just a designation for people in good standing who haven’t secured permanent position) - were told to fuck right off around January 23rd.
the amount of chaos and fear generated in the first week alone was staggering. but you’re right, the actual FIRINGS took a couple more days. the threats came IMMEDIATELY.
not saying it caused the crash entirely, but there’s reasonable evidence the administration at least contributed to the high levels of stress ATCs already experience. especially since they’re nationally short staffed from retirements linked to Reagan.
better question is, why the fuck should military helicopters be doing exercises right the fuck beneath flight paths of commercial airlines? there’s literally thousands of military bases where they can pRaCTiCe and do military shit. gtfo civilian air space.
this is a brilliant observation honestly. every accusation or criticism levied against the fascists gets reversed in a “I know you are but what am?” sneer. it works for many reasons, and it’s part of the right wing playbook.
obviously none are equivalent in scale or scope, but they have truthiness to them at first glance. and just as importantly, like in your purse thief example, they redirect attention and create doubt… just long enough to avoid getting caught or face the wrath of the crowd.
it also works, esp in America, partly because the so-called opposition party is actually kind of a piece of shit and has been for generations. Dems profess to hate the extreme consequences of capitalism, but love capitalism itself and benefit from it. so they ultimately can’t condemn it or offer long term solutions to the problems it creates. conservatives at least offer simpler solutions which all boil down to “hate who you’re told” and “obey your God King and you’ll someday be rewarded”.