Lizzy Caplan is opening up about the scrapped X-Men spinoff Gambit movie, which was supposed to star Channing Tatum as the superhero.
Tatum as Gambit was probably the most memorable part of the latest Deadpool movie… But I thought the joke was that you couldn’t really understand anything he said? I’m having trouble picturing that working for an entire movie.
I think the being unable to understand anything he said gag was from an early rumor (maybe based in reality) that one of the reasons the standalone Gambit movie didn’t move forward was that Channing Tatum couldn’t pull off the accent. So in Deadpool they hammed up the unintelligibility and inconsistency of the accent on purpose to have the joke of “Who is your dialect coach?”
never really cared for tatum as gambit but now i’m bummed Lizzy lost out.