I have a theory that might sound crazy, but hear me out. I think the Democrats knew exactly what Trump was up to, but in order to catch him, they had to let him keep going—let him believe he could get away with anything, even the worst crimes. You can’t catch a murderer if the murder hasn’t happened yet. So they watched, knowing the plan, waiting for him to dig his own grave. Now, after years of chaos, they finally have what they need to put an end to the madness he’s been stirring up for the past decade.

Does that sound too crazy, or do you think there’s something to it?

  • That_Devil_Girl@lemmy.ml
    4 days ago

    That sounds too crazy and complicated. The most reasonable answer is that the Democrats are simply impotent and indolent.

    Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They believe that they need money from rich billionares to win elections, but these billionare donors want things in return.

    The Democrats also need votes to win elections, yet the demands of the donors are in direct conflict with the demands of the voters.

    The Democrats cannot obey both the voters and the rich donors, so Democrats obey their donors and make micro changes toward appeasement of the voters. They make tiny improvements that are severely limited in scope & time, and are easily overturned. Donors are happy, and voters can barely tolerate Democrats.

    America can no longer get by on micro changes, as Republicans are making rapid & large sweeping changes that hurt a lot of people. Democrats are now expected to make rapid & large sweeping changes that fix what Republicans broke.

    Democrats don’t want to do that, partially because they’re grossly incompetent, and partially because it would go against their rich donors.