I have a theory that might sound crazy, but hear me out. I think the Democrats knew exactly what Trump was up to, but in order to catch him, they had to let him keep going—let him believe he could get away with anything, even the worst crimes. You can’t catch a murderer if the murder hasn’t happened yet. So they watched, knowing the plan, waiting for him to dig his own grave. Now, after years of chaos, they finally have what they need to put an end to the madness he’s been stirring up for the past decade.
Does that sound too crazy, or do you think there’s something to it?
Oh, honey, no… the Democrats aren’t gonna help us. They never wanted to help us.
I’m sorry dude but in the gentlest way possible, you’re relying on conspiracy theories to avoid confronting reality and justify your beliefs. It’s exactly the same as what q-anon and trump nutters do. I realise that its a coping mechanism to help you deal with the state of things but you can’t change anything for the better if you can’t engage with reality.
I know shit feels hopeless now but I promise there’s things you can do now that will genuinely improve life for yourself and the people you care about. Join communities, volunteer for causes you believe in, get involved in protests, and try and form those social bonds that help break people away from conservative and maga centric thinking. If you think about it, regardless of whether what you believe is true or not, these are still things that will improve life for people who are suffering now.
My friend, I respect your desire to believe that the world is a better place than it is, but this is pure cope.
We have no evidence of any of this being a possibility, and you catch a murderer by finding evidence of intent, not waiting for someone to get hurt.
I know it is reassuring to believe there is some form of higher power, be it religious or in your case some form of deep state waiting to spring into action but the simple through is: There is no one coming to save us from ourselves.
It sounds cliché but: Be the change you want to see. You don’t have to become the next Luigi or otherwise “give yourself to the cause” but simply do what is within your means. Help where you can readily do so and even if you have to participate in the system you can do so in the least efficient way possible.
That sounds too crazy and complicated. The most reasonable answer is that the Democrats are simply impotent and indolent.
Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They believe that they need money from rich billionares to win elections, but these billionare donors want things in return.
The Democrats also need votes to win elections, yet the demands of the donors are in direct conflict with the demands of the voters.
The Democrats cannot obey both the voters and the rich donors, so Democrats obey their donors and make micro changes toward appeasement of the voters. They make tiny improvements that are severely limited in scope & time, and are easily overturned. Donors are happy, and voters can barely tolerate Democrats.
America can no longer get by on micro changes, as Republicans are making rapid & large sweeping changes that hurt a lot of people. Democrats are now expected to make rapid & large sweeping changes that fix what Republicans broke.
Democrats don’t want to do that, partially because they’re grossly incompetent, and partially because it would go against their rich donors.
‘Ah-ha! You’ve stepped right into my trap!’ they cried, as the dagger pierced their heart.
Meddling kids!
So, imagine I suspect someone wants to kill me. But nobody believes me. Walking alone at night hoping to get shot… To own the non believers… Doesn’t sound like a smart plan.
Yeah, I think this is a naive and hopeful as the maga types thinking Trump is a genius playing 4d chess.
Who’s going to arrest him?
And what do you think the MAGA cult will do, then?That’s some next level copium. Holy shit man ur justifying the dems failure to genuinely engage with the demand of the populous (the point of democracy) by saying they where complicit in the destruction of your nation. I don’t say this lightly but nineteen eighty four called they want their double think back.
With what power exactly? Doesn’t Trump control both houses of parliament and the supreme court?
Also in a way, they kept “poking the bear” beforehand
Dems are complicit in what’s happening. They knew what would happen if he got elected and instead of pushing to gather a stronger voter base they lurched to the right and ignored their base.
So, the reverse of maga idiots thinking he was going to ‘drain the swamp’?