Fuck off pedo scum. You and your kind destroy the lives of children, mine included. You have the gall to throw stones here when you support the abuse of children? I hope you get what’s coming to you.
As if all rapes get reported in India. By your logic, Sweden would be the rape capital of the world. They just have different reporting standards, DUH.
i am not sure about usa but, the reason that it is lower than usa probably because of less corruption and reporting plus USA is more progressive and developed country than india.
Even if, and this is off course off-topic, some people in the US are doing their worst to “fix” the “progressive” part. They won’t be happy before all free speech, all non-church education, all free decisionmaking has been dismantled in favor of their dream cult-like fundamentalist christian and xenophobic glorious kingdom.
“nuke the unevolved savage freaks” is the most blatant example of standard issue online “it’s ok to say racist things about Indians” I have ever seen. I have no idea how anyone in 2023 could not have a single brain cell to make them rethink a statement like that before clicking the comment button.
Holy SHIT, my dude. You need to take a SERIOUS step back and question the eugenicist colonial bullshit you’ve internalized. I would advise taking a look at Swami Vivekananda’s assessments of India and Indian people.
idk what is that but thanks for recommendation.
but the source you recommended is written by one of us , so it might be biased.
anyways i will check it out thanks for recommendation.
with the amount of shit like this I hear about happening in India. Just nuke the unevolved savage freaks
Are you fucking kidding me with this racist shit?
don’t want this dude anywhere near children. wtf
never heard of these shit stains before this but they are complete trash from what I have found
Took one look at the website and my creeper alarm went off big.
WTF!! I thought it had an air of pedo shit but I didn’t feel like looking into it at all. jesus fucking christ what a human shit stain
Where do you derive the authority? No seriously where the fuck do you get off thinking you have any right to even suggest this?
You are one stupid piece of shit
Fuck off pedo scum. You and your kind destroy the lives of children, mine included. You have the gall to throw stones here when you support the abuse of children? I hope you get what’s coming to you.
USA has a higher rate of crime, homicide, and rape than India.
As if all rapes get reported in India. By your logic, Sweden would be the rape capital of the world. They just have different reporting standards, DUH.
Whataboutism is not an alternative for making a valid point.
I’m not sure this conveys the point you tried to make. That’s kind of a low bar, to be honest.
i am not sure about usa but, the reason that it is lower than usa probably because of less corruption and reporting plus USA is more progressive and developed country than india.
Even if, and this is off course off-topic, some people in the US are doing their worst to “fix” the “progressive” part. They won’t be happy before all free speech, all non-church education, all free decisionmaking has been dismantled in favor of their dream cult-like fundamentalist christian and xenophobic glorious kingdom.
as an indian i completely understand and agree you. we have the worst genetics especially the middle indians, ,
but instead of nuking you can just replace the regieme by isolating BJP more. and leave AAP (a progresive party) to sort these freaks out.
“nuke the unevolved savage freaks” is the most blatant example of standard issue online “it’s ok to say racist things about Indians” I have ever seen. I have no idea how anyone in 2023 could not have a single brain cell to make them rethink a statement like that before clicking the comment button.
ik but i think they were expressing their understandable outrage we shouldn’t take their expression literally.
Holy SHIT, my dude. You need to take a SERIOUS step back and question the eugenicist colonial bullshit you’ve internalized. I would advise taking a look at Swami Vivekananda’s assessments of India and Indian people.
idk what is that but thanks for recommendation. but the source you recommended is written by one of us , so it might be biased. anyways i will check it out thanks for recommendation.
Vivekananda is one of the most brilliant minds in modern India, contemporary with Gandhi, and only less well known because he died so young.
And “what that is” is that you’ve blindly accepted outsiders’ racist assessments of your people. You really need to question that shit:
You don’t have to excuse blatant racism.
well the thing is indians are not a single race. they are so heavily mixed that they are so hard to differentiate.
and i agree some cultures are better than the other.

Like just take a look at the map and this list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_ethnic_groups#:~:text=a genetic basis.-,List of ethnic groups on the basis of language,-[edit]
As another Indian, how about you go fuck your self-hating self.
And the BJP can go fuck itself too