I’m not sure why one comment is enough to provoke such a reaction from you? Especially since I see these pedophiles and their apologists on other social media too.
I’m not sure why one comment is enough to provoke such a reaction from you? Especially since I see these pedophiles and their apologists on other social media too.
Minor Attracted Person. Often used by people who are pedophiles or apologists for them.
Fuck off pedo scum. You and your kind destroy the lives of children, mine included. You have the gall to throw stones here when you support the abuse of children? I hope you get what’s coming to you.
He drank enough that it killed him. I think it’s safe to say he was in a different place than you were.
But it says they are struggling with fractions and exponents, don’t those get taught earlier on?
I suddenly have the urge to tell you how much I make just to piss you off.
Hush, you are ruining their narrative. Don’t you know statistics are racist?
Ah yes, once someone dies we are no longer allowed to listen to their music do you’ll be safe now.
Hush, your ruining the narrative.
The article says it was shutdown in June 2020, a few months after it started. Is that inaccurate?
OK, now do African Americans.
Yes, no liberal has ever murdered a child.
Such a dumb question.
Building a nuclear power plant requires the collaboration of physicists, nuclear + electrical + civil engineers, etc…
Solar requires a certified electrician.
We know how to build nuclear safely, it just requires a lot more effort and oversight, therefore is not something you can build at home.
I think messaging is more likely to see progress made on this front. I don’t see regulations forcing Spotify to allow for their personalization mechanisms to be transferable and that doesn’t really make sense why they should have to, while messaging I can see happen even if only due to popular demand.
Thank you for your riveting analysis. CNN will be calling soon to get you on I’m sure.
Wtf does this article have to do with conservatives? Liberals and swing voters own guns too, you know.
If I install solar panels and the inverters incorrectly I could potentially harm or kill myself and others. Therefore solar isn’t safe.
Why would he start a trans genocide when they are already doing such a good job of doing it themselves?