Hey all! Mopping and cleaning with cloth won’t get the dust off, neither does hoovering. Anyone know what I need to do?
Residential maintenance man here. Best thing I’ve found is a damp sponge mop, and near-constant rinsing in fresh water. Take it a couple feet at a time, and make sure to clean and drain your mop between squeegeeing otherwise you’ll end up with gray streaks. You really just want your sponge mop to be just damp enough to wet the floor. You don’t want standing water.
Excellent tip thanks!
No problem :-)
I wish there was an easier way, but honestly the best I’ve found is just lots of fresh water, a sponge mop, and patience :-/
Yep, sadly effort is needed 😔
I guess you could hire a guy. That would only push the effort to another. Unless you found a guy who was, like, into cleaning floors. But then you’d have the weigh the effort of dealing with a floor pervert vs just doing the floor yourself.
Could just leave it dirty as well, so there are options.
When its dry, brush and shop vac. If that’s not enough, then damp tarry cloth and two buckets, one with clean water, and one to rinse in, never will the two meet.
Ah of course drying must help!
Is it in the grooves between the boards? If so, shop vac. If it’s stuck to the surface, try mopping with water and vinegar.
It’s the surface. How much vinegar?
I’d do 1 part vinegar to 4 or 5 parts water and go from there. Try a small area in the corner first to make sure it won’t damage your finish.
Great, thanks 😊
I use a dry steam mop. It’s the only thing I’ve found that gets the gypsum off without damaging the surface.
If all else fails, a Scotchbrite pad should do it safely.