Last week we had a great thread about metal without growls. In reading suggestions, and conjuring up some of my own, I re-realized a bunch of stuff.

I wanna see your top 3 metal deep cuts.

What do I mean by deep cut? I mean the formative shit. The stuff you found and loved along the way but lost track of, that when you revisit you go “fuck what happened to these guys?” The ones that helped guide you but fell off the face of the earth (or just your radar).

    2 years ago

    Ooh. Nice topic!

    Uh… Def Leppard. I was a huge fan of them up to and including Pyromania, then … I stopped. I know glam metal doesn’t get a lot of respect, but it was my gateway drug into the heavier stuff and Def Leppard was … a lot of my youthful turn into a metalhead.

    Saxon. They were my stepping stone from glam metal into the harder stuff, together with old Black Sabbath. Unlike Black Sabbath, however, which has remained on my playlist almost constantly—rarely does a week go by without me dropping a Sabbath album into the headset—I hardly ever listen to Saxon any longer.

    For something a bit more modern, Gloryhammer. Absolutely hilariously fun power metal cheese that I enjoyed like crazy … and then stopped after the shenanigans with their lead singer. I followed the lead singer as Angus McSix later, but simply stopped listening to Gloryhammer because the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth.