Since Australian independence in 1901, only eight of the 44 proposals for constitutional change have been approved.

Support has slid to 43% in the latest survey, down from 46% in August with voters in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia’s most populous states, shifting against the proposal.

The ‘No’ vote is strongest in Queensland and Western Australia with 61% set to reject the Voice.

The referendum debate has divided opinions with supporters arguing the Voice will bring progress for the Aboriginal community, recognise the 65,000 year-old culture and “unite the nation”. Opponents say it would be divisive and hand excessive powers to the body, while others have described it as tokenism and toothless.

Making up about 3.2% of Australia’s near 26 million population, the Aboriginal people were marginalised by British colonial rulers and are not mentioned in the 122-year-old constitution.

    2 years ago

    Blows my mind how long the “Yes” campaign waited to start campaigning.

    The “No” campaign started as soon as the LNP sided against the voice last year. The “Yes” campaign only started a few weeks ago.

    Letting the “No” campaign go unchallenged for months has had a predictable result and this will go down in history as a masterclass in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.