It’s mostly written for to attract nerds who liked Harry Potter. Hp fanfic can be all over the place, but HPMOR was one of the better ones. Hope it helps!
It’s mostly written for to attract nerds who liked Harry Potter. Hp fanfic can be all over the place, but HPMOR was one of the better ones. Hope it helps!
I’ve heard from some of the people I recommend it to that they didn’t like it, so it’s very much a ymmv thing. I remember it because it actually made me question my religion with some of the points discussed, which got the ball rolling towards becoming an atheist.
Not really a course, but Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is a pretty good fanfic made with the intent of teaching critical logic concepts and logical fallacies to the reader. I found it a good read, and even if you might dislike some of the literary choices made (Harry makes fast friends with Malfoy, etc), it does cover most of the stuff in a critical thinking textbook in a somewhat approachable manner. It’s free, and you can read chapter by chapter if you just want to give it a glance.
Yep. Grew up with my grandfather working on small engines (read:lawnmowers, either push or driven) and one of things he would do when doing maintenance on them was to sharpen the blades with an angle grinder. Mades mowing a lot easier and generally looks more uniform as well. The other thing was that it almost always is the carb if the engine has issues.
Still use it for marketplace. If that decoupled from Facebook I wouldn’t need it.
Oh, it’s fine, the brain is a different kind of fat! /s
That they aren’t being properly maintained/funded? It looks like a bunch of the bridges that are having issues are mostly due to age.
Smaller stuff has to be more complex to get to the lower mass, which is usually what causes the biggest issues. The hdds in those ipods had some extra stuff to make them more reliable, but even then, move them too quickly and they show it.
Edison motors. They’ve already got a working prototype electric diesel hybrid semi and have begun working on conversion kits. The big benefit is that when batteries eventually get good enough, you could just remove the diesel generator.
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Plus the actual cost of transport and guarding that transport doesn’t seem like the profit would actually be worth the risk. It mostly seems like why would we bother, not enough reward for the risk.
Edit: OK, some back of the napkin math, if a tanker holds 11,600 gallons and a barrel of crude oil (42 gallons to a barrel) costs around $85 (current prices), then the revenue of the 69 oil transports would be around 1.6 Million dollars. This is assuming they got current prices, the army basically sent enough soldiers to protect a full convoy, and they didn’t have to drive too much of a distance to an oil refinery. After taking into account expenses, that really is a stupid low profit for such high risk (if a soldier was shot for instance it would definitely be in the news). I do not buy the story, way too much doesn’t add up from a financial perspective.
Plus since they are the figurehead of the party, if they are lackluster in their proof it could affect downstream elections.