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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2025


  • How does followers of a religion equal to respect, most people are born and raised into some religion, they didn’t chose said religions, and they either partially or completely disconnected from it but if asked what their religion is would still say it’s XYZ, cause not many wanna deal with religious lunatics and their antics if you say you agnostic or atheist, I still claim to be part of the religion I was born into if asked, doesn’t mean I follow it. Also if the people who explicitly claim to be a part of this religion they respect, maybe they wouldn’t help pedophiles rape children


    Cause I doubt your god would find that respectful, or the millions of other atrocities committed by the millions of other religions and followers.

  • I don’t know why you think the number of followers gives religion any legitimacy. I’m sure your ancestors thought slavery was A okay or treating women as property was the right thing to do, and they would have likely been part of the majority back then, history still remembers them for the barbarians they were, just cause a lot of people hold some superstitious belief means nothing to me. There’s a reason people are becoming less religious and church attendance has been dropping on average decade after decade, I don’t see that trend changing direction, at least until WW3 or climate change fuck up society enough that praying for magic man in the sky is the only thing left for desperate people to do, not that it’ll lead to anything.

  • Thanks for the detailed reply that helps, this sounds really interesting, with the late stage capitalism we are going through, I’ve lost all interest in private corporate controled social networks, hence the switch to Lemmy, but the instance owner is still a single point of failure with Lemmy but at least you can switch to another instance.

    I have a few concerns about Plebbit though.

    A - with torrents you know the size of the torrent beforehand and can decide if you can download it all and continue seeding it so long as you have the space for it on your drive, but with a forum like Plebbit, how would a user know how much space on their drive Plebbit will take for the Plebbit content they interact with. Is there a way to dedicate X gigabytes of limited storage space for it and anything above that gets purged to make space for new data?

    B - One of the best uses Of Reddit imo is that it’s very easy to Google for something and find a relevant Reddit thread, especially for something niche, since Plebbit only keeps the most popular content and the rest goes away if not seeded, does it mean it won’t be a good for niche archival data, maybe that’s a use case that Plebbit isn’t design to handle and that’s okay.

    C - Bots are a big concern for most social media, especially the ones used for spreading propaganda and misinformation, how does a P2P social forum like Plebbit plan to handle bots.?