Yep. It’s just back to where it was before the election and hovering around there, I’m not seeing any kind of “crash” beyond that. I mean, I wouldn’t care as long as that company belongs to that man, but, let’s at least be somewhat fact based.
Biblical? Haven’t seen any swarm of locusts descending on Teslas as of yet. The plague might be coming, but that’s another idiots doing.
Now we just needs to go Old Testament on that bitch
Mobs in the bible weren’t exactly seen in a positive light.
The Bible is also not seen in a positive light in 2025
It is by more people than it isn’t. By a lot.
Even many non Christians still appreciate it’s teachings.
Delusional lol
There’s wisdom to be found in any book. What someone gains from any source depends entirely on them.
If a person is to read the most hatred filled book ever written in human kind history and set it down saying everything in it is wrong, even when the book was pourposefully written to spread and instill it, that person is bigger than the book and became bigger after reading it.
So, please, don’t be so hasteful on labelling someone as delusional just because they take comfort on something you personally disregard as useful.
The problem arises when someone says the way they understand a given source is the only right one.
I’m calling him delusional for speaking on others behalf, not for finding meaning in whatever he finds meaning in
I’m sorry, but social media does not give you an accurate picture of the real world.
I don’t know why you think the number of followers gives religion any legitimacy. I’m sure your ancestors thought slavery was A okay or treating women as property was the right thing to do, and they would have likely been part of the majority back then, history still remembers them for the barbarians they were, just cause a lot of people hold some superstitious belief means nothing to me. There’s a reason people are becoming less religious and church attendance has been dropping on average decade after decade, I don’t see that trend changing direction, at least until WW3 or climate change fuck up society enough that praying for magic man in the sky is the only thing left for desperate people to do, not that it’ll lead to anything.
We’re talking about how many people respect the Bible, not whether or not it’s legitimate.
The Bible is also not seen in a positive light in 2025
How does followers of a religion equal to respect, most people are born and raised into some religion, they didn’t chose said religions, and they either partially or completely disconnected from it but if asked what their religion is would still say it’s XYZ, cause not many wanna deal with religious lunatics and their antics if you say you agnostic or atheist, I still claim to be part of the religion I was born into if asked, doesn’t mean I follow it. Also if the people who explicitly claim to be a part of this religion they respect, maybe they wouldn’t help pedophiles rape children
Cause I doubt your god would find that respectful, or the millions of other atrocities committed by the millions of other religions and followers.