Hey! Riding the Battle Cat in the first panel, then a jet rider on the second!
Hey! Riding the Battle Cat in the first panel, then a jet rider on the second!
Thank you for the insight. I respect it but nonetheless those are features completely indiferen to me.
Can someone explain me what are the cloud saves for and achievements?
What is the point of gamifying a game?
High voltage: Whires? What are those?
The price of a speedboat?! Damn!
If someone has a speedboat on hand, I can hook you up with eggs.
All EU regulation compliant XL eggs.
Shit. That’s a declaration of war, if I’ve ever seen one. That has to be stopped. It goes against, blatantly, the most basic rights of self affirmation.
That’s correct. My country does not observe it.
I pay those. I have a plot of land and pay tax on it.
Any other suggestion?
What is the alternative? Asking honestly.
Essential goods have a 6% taxation in my country (Portugal). This also applies to the first 200kw/h you use in your home.
Then there is a 13% for services, like restaurants. I think wine is also taxed thia way.
The higher tier is reserved for non essential items, like cookies, chocolate, fuels (which are technically being double taxed), cars, etc.
We also pay a direct contribution for our social security system (11% over your gross salary, monthly), plus a direct taxation over our overall monthly salary (the minimum wage workers are exempt from this).
The discussiom on these taxes is long, old and boring but it essentially boils down to having those who want something, pay for it.
Things are escalating quickly. Good job, everyone. Maybe it can trigger a coup.
Fascism is not exactly imaginative or new. What else is new?
We’re assuming they are making a sin live broadcast or recording, for there to be any sort of commenting? Is it like a strange new radical sports event?
Thumbs up for that reply. Pure gold.
Although always in favour of destruction by fire, I don’t think the original poster would enjoy that.
I’m from the country that makes a lifestyle of hacking a quick fix for anything instead of actually solving an issue, as more often than not a definitive solution for a problem is either too expensive, complex or requires climbing up a bureaucratic ladder for an approval.
Staring me down into shame does not work with me.
Can I humbly sugest to exchange the screws of the fan for a new set and perhaps add a little O-ring to it, to absorb extra vibration?
Because that is a hack (and a fine one, as it seems to fix the issue) but it is not a solution!
What I find funny about the crypto currency concept was that it was originally devised - to what I know - to replace conventional money, under governmental control. But it quickly came the notion that for any crypto currency to hold value it had to be capable of being exchanged by the convention money it was meant to replace. Thus came the crypto markets, which in all emulate the conventional stock exchange markets (or FOREX, pick your poison), where huge chunks of wealth change hands with no real backing.
A crypto currency, in my opinion, needs to be viewed as a viable means of exchange in order to have value. If I sow potatoes and decide to sell them for crypto, that I can use next to get a massage or a second hand laptop, then a crypto has value. If nobody is using crypto to buy service or goods, then crypto is worth… nothing.
If an entire parallel economy bloomed around crypto - any crypto - that would make more strides to truly shake governments than anything else.
I am opposed to drafting just as much as any other but considering the country is under a war to essentially keep existing, there should not be any reason for those elegible to fight to run.
What is the option against an enemy that does not see this people as such, is known for butchering people in taken areas and that has made clear nothing besides total capitulation will suffice? Hope they will get bored and go away?