Discourse is a forum software. Maybe you are mixing it up with something else like disqus?
Currently browsing from alexandrite.app an alternative lemmy frontend.
Discourse is a forum software. Maybe you are mixing it up with something else like disqus?
what might everyday people use to set up forums as relatively easily and cheaply as their Discord servers, and not have them riddled with ads or other clunky elements?
Discourse is a clean open source forum software that is commonly used for application support and well suited for it.
Or if your a real die hard for the fediverse, you could set up a lemmy instance for application support. There’s even a phpBB frontend for an oldschool forum look and feel for it.
Usually everyday people don’t setup forums, that’s the responsibility of the application owner(s) or provider. In this case, the easy option is also the shitty option if measured by discoverability of the content.
Tracking everyone: American Companies 🤝 American Government
Americans 😐
Uh … Yes. Everyone has an innate survival instinct. Sure in what seems like a shitty situation, life might feel hopeless temporarily, but I’d bet you’ll eventually adapt and get over the initial shock. I’m not sure what you mean by proper, but to me it seems like proper is just shorthand for what is profitable, useful, or easy to people with power.
IMO trying to make execution humane is kinda pointless. It is really just done to ease the guilt of those who participate and watch in it. If you participate in killing someone, you should feel guilty. That applies equally no matter if your carrying out a state-sanctioned murder or a street murder.
Sure you could easily argue that NH rules that they be first is stupid. And I agree with that, but it is also a bad look to take away that state’s say in the process for that reason. If your state political party said your votes don’t count and we are ignoring them, wouldn’t you get kind of perturbed? The people of NH have little to no say in what their legislature does. It’s not really fair to them that their primary votes don’t count because the DNC said so.
In what way is it unreasonable for a state to set rules for a private organization? Especially one with a huge say in determining who gets into public office.
Sure you can, but what you can do is irrelevant. Even if you do it is guaranteed not to have a say nationally because of our first past the post voting system locks out any competition. You have 2 meaningful choices, anything else is locked out by our voting system and rendered non meaningful.
But more than 80% of the Americans have little to no say in how the government works. There’s a Princeton study that 90%+ of Americans have little or no impact on US Policy. It’s very much a cop out to blame Americans at large because it minimizes the harsh fact that money and the people who use it are what influences our system.
Why not both? But your right only having 2 functional parties gives them a quite a bit of leeway. Since you only have 1 (or maybe 2) other choices, you functionally have no choice.
It is so ass backwards that they functionally require(d) an intermediary to file online. It would be so much easier to just have a literal email address (or webpage) where you could send your taxes. Too bad the vast majority of our politicians serve business interests (money) and not the American people.
NH literally had to break either their own state law to move the primary, or break DNC’s rules to have a primary that counted. And their republican state legislature would not allow them to move the primary. So they literally had no choice in the matter.
How is it in any way fair that 2 private organizations get to decide if the American people even get a say in the 2 (realistic) choices they have?
P.S. I’m assuming you mean might where you put ‘foundy’. I don’t know how that got there but I’m guessing a phone keyboard.
Dean Phillips got right around 20% even with the fact that Biden did a write in. I’m honestly kinda surprised it’s that low. I would have expected there to be more than that considering the write-in.
Not that it matters since the DNC took away New Hampshire’s say in the matter by nullifying their delegates. It is kinda horrifying that a private organization (the DNC) can just decide who has a say in choosing which candidates of the 2 we get to choose between.
This article is devoid of real info. It just goes over the bickering of politicians.
The program is not ending yet, It will continue until it runs out of funds. Those who are already enrolled will keep getting benefits until at least April 2024. If (Big if) Congress agrees to provide further funding before then it would be extended. New enrollment for the program is ending February 7. Source: https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-news/personal-finance/2024/01/21/65ad1fe4e2704ef0658b4588.html
It’s an open source solution designed to scale to what the web was originally designed for and excels at. Documents. Specifically hyperlinked documents or webpages. You can’t reasonably expect an archival service to archive something that is by definition not static like an interactive web app.
If you logged and saved all the files the first one requested you could potentially make it work. You could manually change of the file paths in the html if you only doing a few of them. There’s only like 10 or so paths that would need to be modified. The PHP ones are likely harder to make work as php is a server side language and you don’t likely have easy access to PHP server and everything that goes with it.
Anyway thanks for the link to to mynoise.net. It looks like a well designed, carefully crafted website.
The tax is on all taxable income not just regular wage income. Capital gains and carried interest are taxable income. They are subject to the tax if they make over the $1mil annually.
Capital gains are taxed less than regular wage income. Max capital gain rate is 20% while the max wage income tax rate is 37%.
It’s pretty hard to beat Oracle Cloud’s free tier Hosting.
I wonder if this could be abused to spread awareness of jury nullification. e.g. “My pronouns are Jury/Nullification”. Then, technically cops would have to put that on their mugshot which would presumably be shared in social media and potentially in court.
Yeah, I was referring to official forums for technical support or feature requests and the like. I don’t really think that everyday people were usually the ones who setup forums, it is website operators and other techies who set those up. The people who setup an independent forum are not the same people who setup a discord community. Discord has a much lower barrier to entry that usually results in a lower quality information and moderation than a forum would.
I mean, yeah, forums are harder, for sure. $20-35 monthly for a mail provider seems to high to me; I would expect that to be about the yearly cost. But, I don’t really have much experience with an email provider for that use case. Really the problem lies in that a website operator and a community maintainer are 2 very different types of people that rarely intersect.