Starting on Jan. 1, 2024, police departments and sheriff’s offices must include the name and pronouns provided by the arrestee in their posted mugshots.
Good in theory, but you can bet your ass every scumfuck conservative who gets arrested for dumb shit in California will be “hurr durr, my pronouns are “Attack/Helicopter” and because of the law you have to use them.” They’ll be pissing themselves laughing at repeating “the one joke” they have, every time it happens, no matter how many times it happens.
Never, ever underestimate conservative shitheads ability to take anything good and find a way to fuck it up in bad faith. Expect this to be a quickly abused joke of a law where half the fucking mugshots come with obviously bad faith pronouns.
EDIT: Also don’t expect cops to do anything about it, they’ll be laughing along with these chucklefucks! The reason it had to be made a law is clearly because law enforcement doesn’t respect individuals pronouns (why else would it need to be a law?). So you can bet your ass the cops will take any obviously bad faith pronouns as valid, no questions asked.
It’s also a classic liberal thing. We’re not going to defund the police or hold bad cops to account, but gosh darnit, when they do arrest you for bullshit reasons, they’ll be forced to use the right pronouns!
Not that I’m against it, but it’s just dicking around in the margins instead of fixing the big issues.
but it’s just dicking around in the margins instead of fixing the big issues
Fucking nailed it.
It’s specifically when they post pictures of you on social media that they have to use the right pronouns
My preferred pronouns are “You are free to go/Innocent of all crimes”
Forget the helicopter.
Nah, you gotta go with “My pronouns are Jury/Nullification”. It’s a win-win. Spread awareness of Jury nullification and piss off the Cops and DAs.
I’d love to be wrong here, but my cynical side says at least some people are going to do exactly that, and various transphobic bigots are going to point to cis bad actors as proof that trans people are dangerous. Just like the high school teacher with the giant prosthetic breasts claiming first that they were trans, and then after being photographed outside school without the breasts that the photo was fake and actually they’re intersex and the breasts are real. Just straight up obvious lawsuit chasing bullshit, but people ate it hook, line, and sinker because it plays into every terrible prejudice they have about trans people.
The guy that shot up that gay bar in Colorado already did that. Went his whole life as a he/him, then when arrested decided he was a they/them, then decided he was a regular guy again a few days later, and conservative media still will repeat that part of the story as if there was any legitimacy to it.
I say: who cares? What if they use Attack/Helicopter? How is that “fucking it up”? Are they hurting anyone? As long as trans people are protected, it’s a positive, isn’t it? I would use innocent/awesome, who is negatively affected by my mugshot?
I don’t know the law and the article doesn’t specify it, but “Attack/Helicopter” probably aren’t valid pronouns. The dictionary lists them as noun or maybe a verb, unlike they, he, she etc… Anyone knows what the law actually allows?
The law just says they have to “use the name and pronouns given by the individual.” That means they’ll release your picture with the name Long Dick Johnson and pe/nis pronouns, and then refer to you as “the individual in question, legally known as Adam Smith” for the rest of the post. It’s a nothingburger that I’m pretty sure is designed to get conservatives frothing at the mouth. It’ll be fun listening to my mom bitch about it for 20 minutes as if it means anything at all.
Anyone knows what the law actually allows?
Last I checked the cops and courts enforce the law, and traditionally, they’ve not been great at accepting things like pronouns.
Like I pointed out this wouldn’t need to be a law unless there had been egregious instances of people’s pronouns being ignored and people being deadnamed. Who releases mug shots? Cops. So this is a law aimed at cops.
And you’re really acting like “it won’t be allowed” when cops are conservative scumfucks and the ones who will be taking down the pronouns? Give me a break, they’ll let it fly and it will end up in court for two years before anything is done about it.
I wonder if this could be abused to spread awareness of jury nullification. e.g. “My pronouns are Jury/Nullification”. Then, technically cops would have to put that on their mugshot which would presumably be shared in social media and potentially in court.