I adore Fury Road, and re-watched it the night after seeing Furiosa, and it’s definitely the far superior film. That being said, Furiosa is alright for what it is. It has far more plot and dialog, which I really don’t think was needed given what they managed with Fury Road, but was decently well written and fun enough.
It definitely lacked a lot of the stronger feminist themes of Fury Road, which is honestly pretty funny given they’re almost 10 years apart. I’m 100% sure if they came out in the opposite order, Fury Road would be heavily criticized now for being “too woke” compared to Furiosa.
As someone who’s extremely left leaning, it’s so goddamn infuriating, because there are so many pro-gun Dem leaning voters that wind up voting ® down the ticket, almost solely because the Democratic candidate went on an idiotic speech about AK-15s and their 30 caliber per second clipazines. It’s not like the anti-gun Dems they’re pandering to are going to vote Republican because the Democratic candidate said nothing about guns during their campaign.
It’s literally one single issue that the Dems could just not say a word about. Literally, no work involved. No campaigning, canvassing, or fundraising. Just don’t bring it up, and it would massively improve their odds in some of the most critical swing states. But no, they just have to virtue signal to the areas that are basically ultramarine blue, and it fucks them over every goddamn time.