Furiosa was fine. In a vacuum, it was actually pretty good, but in being a sequel to Fury Road it can’t shake comparisons.
I figure that it looking so visually similar to Fury Road in trailers made a lot of people ask themselves why even bother watching it when they’d already seen Fury Road. The title including “A Mad Max Saga” is clunky and throws up big vibes of this being a tack on story (which it is), which really doesn’t create the kind of hype wave needed to reach out to people who are already cynical about going to a theater.
The word of mouth all seems to start with “Well it wasn’t as good as Fury Road, but…” which isn’t going to put a fire under the seats of undecided people.
Also Fury Road happens over 48 hours. Furiosa spans like 15 years.
You got me. It’s still a follow up movie that looks very similar but lesser in the trailers, and has a clunky title.
Also Fury Road happens over 48 hours. Furiosa spans like 15 years.
What does that have to do with people not watching it? I’m talking about marketing and word of mouth impressions. Plot details aren’t very important to that.
What does that have to do with people not watching it? I’m talking about marketing and word of mouth impressions. Plot details aren’t very important to that.
I just think it’s unfair to compare the two when one movie is essentially one long chase sequence and another is a character focused story.
I was speculating on why the movie is underperforming by looking at the trailers, thinking about how people might form opinions based on those trailers, and by using what the word of mouth I hear and snap reactions I read online. In this analysis, the deep plot details are somewhat unimportant. While it might be subjectively “unfair” to compare the movie to Fury Road, that’s what is happening.
I’ve seen the movie, but I’m not factoring that into thinking about why a potential audience isn’t watching it. Because of course, the people who aren’t watching the movie, aren’t watching the movie.
Honestly I had seen almost zero marketing. Had I not already been in a theater when the trailer came out I wouldn’t have known this movie existed until seeing this lemmy post, at which point I would have shat my pants at the excitement of knowing there’s a new mad max movie. So hopefully more people come out to see it now that word is getting around.
I enjoyed all the weirdness of it.
I really liked it. Bikes and cars go vroom, guns go bang, flamethrowers go woosh. 10/10. I’m contemplating going again next weekend.
My roommate was bored. Didn’t like the writing, didn’t like Taylor-Joy’s performance. He rated it “not good.” I didn’t really disagree with any of his specific complaints, I just didn’t care about them.
I suspect your mileage really depends on what kind of audience member you are.
Bikes and cars go vroom, guns go bang, flamethrowers go woosh. 10/10.
That’s just it, I went in to see a Mad Max movie and that’s what I got. Very satisfied! I think anyone complaining about this movie went in with the wrong expectations. I told my gf before the movie, “I want to see high speed chases, shit flying through the air, explosions, stunts and at last one thing I’ve never seen before.”. I got all that shit and then some! Fuck yeah!
If I wanted to see that, and turn my brain off, I’d watch a Fast and Furious movie.
Mad Max Fury Road was not a “turn your brain off” movie. It was extremely well written and acted. It ALSO had cars that go vroom and flamethrowers that go whoosh. It was one of the best movies of the last few decades. That’s a high bar to meet.
Apparently a lot of people aren’t very thrilled about mad max movies, though. Most of the analysis seems to just be saying “it’s a R movie with niche appeal”.
This is exactly the experience with me and my wife too. She was not at all impressed with any of the performances. And I don’t disagree I just don’t really care that much.
Though it’s not even close to as good as fury road. I described it as “fine”
ADHD moviegoer, here; sounds like my kind of film. Dialog never mattered much to me because I can’t follow it half the time. Which really sucks because I can’t enjoy shows like The Wire, Sopranos, and Boardwalk Empire. People spend too much time talking and not enough time doing, and I just get confused and annoyed cause I have no idea what’s going on.
As someone with ADHD I now want a website tailored to ADHD moviegoers for recommendations, as I have exactly the same problems.
I was thinking the same thing when I was typing up that comment; I’m sure someone’s already done it. Unfortunately I can’t find anything of the sort because search engines are useless now.
I adore Fury Road, and re-watched it the night after seeing Furiosa, and it’s definitely the far superior film. That being said, Furiosa is alright for what it is. It has far more plot and dialog, which I really don’t think was needed given what they managed with Fury Road, but was decently well written and fun enough.
It definitely lacked a lot of the stronger feminist themes of Fury Road, which is honestly pretty funny given they’re almost 10 years apart. I’m 100% sure if they came out in the opposite order, Fury Road would be heavily criticized now for being “too woke” compared to Furiosa.
Shame, i thought Furiosa was awesome, although there were only about 5 people in the cinema. The critics seem to be giving pretty favourable reviews too, would definitely recommend going and checking it out. Hope this isnt the nail in the coffin of Mad Max.
Hope this isnt the nail in the coffin of Mad Max.
Maybe it’s a sign that a Mad Max movie should have Mad Max in it.
Or that going the theater sucks ass. Why go when I have a 70 Oled and almos sound system. Dealing with the jack asses that talk, text, or chew loudly isn’t worth the hassle.
Dude, I only have a 36" LED and budget sound bar and I still wouldn’t go to the cinema. It’s cheaper to rent the movie online, I can ensure my popcorn is perfectly buttered and not burnt (truly a game changer), and I don’t have to shush 2.5 teenagers every matinee night.
Theaters are dead, man.
The annoying children are what stopped me from going to the movies - lights go out and suddenly it’s just a just a sea of jackasses with their phones out or talking to the movie. Not worth the annoyance, especially with how much they charge for everything these days.
32" here and same.
In addition, theatres advertise a starting time of X:00, but the movie can sometimes start as late as X:30 after 30 fucking minutes of ads and trailers. That was my previous and last experience in a theatre.
I have a nice TV but it still doesn’t compare to going to the movies, especially now that they have beer on tap and a nasty hotdog what more do you need
70 Oled
A TV needs to have more than 70 LEDs to look acceptable to me.
almos sound system
And it had to actually have sound, not almost have sound.
Atmos, new phone spellchecker is a dumb dumb.
I would like to live that dream too, for now I do fine with my 50 inch TV with light balls (I don’t even know how they are called, most likely dead leds), no sound bar, but hey, at least I have a Nvidia Shield TV 2019 Pro, which it is too damn slow for my setup on Kodi most of the times, but it behaves pretty well for everything else.
Mad Max had three movies already. I don’t think he needs more. One thing I enjoyed about Fury Road was that he was basically a supporting character for Furiosa.
This was the fifth Mad Max movie, actually.
Maybe it did have Mad Max in it.
The Dogman / Mad Max was in the credits but I don’t remember him in the film.
He’s the guy who’s overlooking her from a cliff when she faints in the desert after losing her arm
Furiosa has a few major challenges up against it, really:
- Its running time is longer than the average Blockbuster
- it’s R rated and violent
- Mad Max is a fairly niche IP to begin with
- It’s a backstory for a secondary (albeit important) character from Fury Road
- People are feeling the pinch financially right now
Having Tom Hardy playing Max as the main character might have bumped the opening weekend Box Office a bit, but not hugely IMO.
it’s R rated and violent
You listed positive among the drawbacks.
And yeah, even though it wasn’t constant action like Fury Road, it definitely felt gorier.
R is typically a drawback financially because it can’t be marketed as a “family friendly outing”. Even a PG13 movie gets mom+dad+kids ticket sales, where rated R gets Mom this week and Dad next week.
I don’t get the part about the economy not doing well, stock market is at all time high and houses are selling for insane prices
Good joke mate. I laughed.
Sure, but how many theatergoers benefit from either of those?
It exceeded my expectations. Fucking awesome movie!
Im not paying to see ATJ
May I ask why?
In genuinely curious because there seems to be some people that have an issue with her.
Even so, I still watch Tom Cruise movies even though I think the guy is a psycho. Most actors are a little off if you dig into their personal lives.
Edit to add: I ended up down a rabbit hole of interviews with her and I only like her more.
Watched it over the weekend and was rather underwhelmed. It felt “cheap” compared to Fury Road. The CGI was quite terrible in comparison, especially when they showed some scenes from the last movie during credits. It’s just so obvious they paid less detail to the effects and it seemed like a significant decrease in their use of practical effects. Add to that some of the effects were just plain bad. AND worse of all
Tap for spoiler
They skipped the final fight scene completely!
Also there was just too much talking. Fury Road was great because the world building was done without extra dialog. Furiosa just felt like any other Hollywood film with nothing special at all.
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felt “cheap” compared to Fury Road. The CGI was quite terrible in comparison
This was my impression from the trailer. Eh, I’ll catch it on streaming, eventually.
It’s just so obvious they paid less detail to the effects and it seemed like a significant decrease in their use of practical effects.
When I saw the trailer that was my very first thought. “This is a cash grab that’s 90% bad cgi”
If it’s a good movie more people will go to see it. Opening weekend is a reflection of the hype machine and expectations
Not having mad max in a mad max film probably didn’t help the opening weekend.
But a good movie will be good, and people will tell their friends, so let’s see what happens next weekend.
Opening weekend is a reflection of the hype machine and expectations
Well, maybe they should have advertised it more. I didn’t hear anything about it until after it was released.
Not having mad max in a mad max film probably didn’t help the opening weekend.
Was there Mad Max in Fury Road?
Yes, Tom Hardy played Mad Max
I guess I’m so used to having Mel Gibson as Mad Max that I didn’t really register that it was the same character.
And isn’t that kind of the point, really? There was nothing in that movie that reflected Mad Max as a unique character, other than the “badass dude” heroic action-packed stereotype that we’ve seen represented in a hundred other movies. Hell, he talks so little in all of the movies that he might as well be one of those silent protags in an video game.
Fair enough, but madmax is literally the title character.
Imagine a James bond film without James bond
Wouldn’t you want to see a prequel where you follow Q during college in similar vein to National Lampoon’s Animal House as well as a developing issue with the patent office where he tries to file more and more outlandish and dangerous inventions until British Secret Service finds out and recruits him?
That would be cool!
Just don’t call it James Bond, if you call it James bond people will expect to see… James bond.
Q: in her majesties service!
Imagine if they made a spin-off show from Better call Saul and named it : Saul - Chicken Run in a Winnebago and Saul barely showed up in it at all, maybe a few seasons in as a totally dismissable side character
People might get disappointed even if this hypothetical spinoff was quite good.
Well the advertising sucks then, because I didn’t even realize this was out.
The movie is great IMO and deserves better… but I had to see it in a filthy theater with non-reclining seats on a screen that was so tinted in green that the reds looks like rust.
Why are we supposed to pay for this experience?.. I literally would have been better off watching it at home on my crappy projector
Furiosa is 5 years too late. People who cared about her, stopped caring about the character years ago. They give us enough of her backstory in Fury Road. For viewers to know her history. If the viewer stops to connect the dots. So making this movie pointless.
Your right, the new fans who were attracted to the franchise grew up and forgot about in that time. Why the Hell did it take 10 years to get another mad max(ish) movie out… its insane that it took that long.
Why the Hell did it take 10 years to get another mad max(ish) movie out…
I mean, COVID set a bunch of films back, just for starters. After that, Idk. WB has been making some disastrous executive decisions since they merged with Discovery. I’m a bit amazed Barbie was released, rather than getting torched for the tax credit. Could be they sacked their marketing department and told an AI to do the job, and now its just gone underpromoted.
I lost interest with Taylor-Joy playing the character to be honest. I’m sure I’ll watch it but not in the theater.
This from a guy with an original Road Warrior theater poster in my garage and a hand-built, contest-winning Imortan Joe costume.
She has like 30 lines in the whole film but she’s nailed Theron’s voice somehow. And for like first half of the movie, there’s even younger Furiosa played by different actress.
I watched an interview with her where she said they used CGI to slightly alter the actress(es?) playing her younger self to look more like her (grown up).
Other than the ending dialogue, which i wasnt a big fan of probably because of the writing, her acting is superb. She is almost always silent so that makes it even more challenging. Her eyes do the talking.
How do you know which one to look at (listen to?)
Honestly, she was pretty badass in this movie.
I saw Furiosa in the theater Sunday. About 7 people in the theater. Movie was good, tad slow in the middle, but definitely got me tense a few times. I don’t know what it is about movie theaters but they always seem grimey and as I get older I don’t tolerate grimey things as much. I’d give the movie 7/10 and the movie theater experience 4/10.
I just cannot do cheap theaters anymore. I only go for a movie maybe once a year these days and I’ll pay extra for one of those places that serves real food and the theaters are clearly cleaned after every viewing. The seats are extremely comfortable, the food is good and not terribly priced and the screen, projector and audio are always in perfect condition.
That’s a shame. Chris Hemsworth is fantastic in this. Felt like he was having time of his life.
Chris Hemsworth is in Garfield?
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Would’ve been better if he was. Then after Barbenheimer we would’ve had Furifield.
Yeah but what about Garfield?
Let’s talk about Rampart
I get this reference
The header is, Furiosa barely topped Garfield. So there’s that.
Garfield always struck me as a power-bottom.
“Furiosa edges Garfield”
apparently its not bad except it has nothing to do with Garfield, and it has nothing for grownups.
Come at the king, you best not miss
Why do they keep making Garfield movies they keep flopping
Chris Pratt needed work
kids. my kids loved it
I guess I can’t talk, i absolutely loved master of disguise as a kid
I remember trying too hard to like Garfield as a kid and ultimately giving up. I don’t know if it’s not my kind of humor or if there’s a specific kind of humor for syndicated comics that just doesn’t translate well to other mediums
Looks more like it mildly underperformed relative to the overall market being very low, and getting lower.
I skipped Dune 2 in theatre’s. Watched it on Max last week. Why bother going to theatres?
There are a lot of movies I would agree with you on, but watching Dune (part 1 or 2) in the theaters was amazing. Having it on the big screen with theater level surround sound beats anything I have at home.
I’m really torn on Dune. I agree with everything you said, but once the runtime gets much past 2 hours I start worrying about how much my bladder is going to effect my enjoyment.
But those two I did see in theaters and thought it was worth it.