Text tells service members that participation could jeopardize their military career
Saw this on Google News. Fear mongering and rage-baiting at its finest.
Someone recently questioned why I’d post a link to a Fox News article, as we know them to be full of shit (suggesting that I was spreading their message). I trust Lemmy users to be intelligent enough to know the difference. You need to be cognizant of the enemy’s propaganda to understand the fight.
Wait, you’re upset that the military is instilling fear in the service members by telling them that associating with fascist dictators and their cronies will jeopardize their military career?
I mean, that’s just common fucking sense, that’s not fear mongering. It’s a simple reminder of their Oath Of Enlistment, which every service member takes.
If you aren’t working to uphold the constitution, you can be dishonorably discharged. Full stop.
Did you forget about the failed auto coup attempt or something?
They didn’t forget, but its their mission to make sure their viewers do.
I trust Lemmy users to be intelligent
Let me stop you right there
This isn’t fear mongering. You cannot participate in political rallies etc in uniform.
Edit: this is more of a weekend safety brief thing
At issue was a planned Nov. 17 event dubbed the “Dakota Patriot Rally” at the state fairgrounds in Minot, and the text warned personnel “to be cautious” if they were in the area, especially because some rally-goers “could be confrontational to military members.”
I can’t find the original, supposedly it was on a snco/nco/amn Facebook page.
I get that you trust people to know Fox is full of shit, but why use them as a source then?
What? Who’s the enemy here, what are you talking about?
You over-estimate my intelligence.🤪
I trust Lemmy users to be intelligent enough to know the difference.
I guess you haven’t seen all the dumb ass posts like yours pointing to the opposite conclusion then ?
Paywall, and Fox News.
Lemmy users are just as dumb and biased as anywhere else.
Humans anywhere are humans anywhere.
People are people, so why should it be you and I should get along so awfully?
you’re full of shit… you are rage-baiting…