Interesting article and I hope they digitize it at some point so everyone gets a chance to see it.
Also interesting from the article is a film from 2015 called “100 Years” starring John Malkovich that doesnt release until 2115
That time locked safe made me think about that town that buried a car and some other things as a time capsule for (I think) 50 years, only to find upon reopening that the entire vault had filled with water at some point… Hopefully the film doesn’t face the same. I wonder if anyone will be around to open the safe?
Link broken, also which movie?
Link works for me, but here’s the original article. Movie is called The Day the Crown Cried.
Wow. He actually kept a copy of the movie for posterity.
I wonder how wide a release it will get. From the sound of the article, it’s up to the Library of Congress what happens next.