The company’s board of directors will now decide whether to appeal the decision, change where Tesla is incorporated or negotiate a new pay package.
Cry me a river, Lonnie…
What happens next? He falls into an open sewer and a piano lands on him in the sewer, I hope
My main concern is Muskette will use this as an excuse to skip out on child support.
Bold of you to assume he pays it anyways.
Fun fact: all of his kids were conceived artificially. I’m not poking fun at artificial insemination, mostly just pointing out that canonically, elon may never have fucked
Strangely enough, even the baby he had with a mistress was artificial insemination.
I think the employees should buy one of those Russian windows for him
I guess it’s time to give back Twitter.
He only has 13% of shares. That’s why he asked for that “small gift” so he can remain in charge.